Re: Are There Any Expert Geophysics Book Reviewers Out There? - August 12, 2012
Posted by Island chris on August 13, 2012 at 05:44:52:

EQF: You are correct; I read your post quickly, and indeed the heating and cooling was not linked to quakes in your post. But, it is still almost certainly incorrect, except in the upper few meters (or, as a slight effect, maybe tens of meters).

HW and I are actually working on something similar for a proposal. The proposal is due Weds. It is about frozen methane below the sea floor. methane hydrate"). The heat from deep in the earth and the temperatureof the surface (not seasonal, long term) result in a geothermal gradient. That gradient in large part controls the boundary between frozen and free gas. You can see the "bottom simulating reflection" on the acoustic data (seismic reflection) that I use.

One question is how quickly that gradient adjusts when 100 m of material is removed from the sea floor by a massive landslide. The Currituck landslide on the U.S. mid Atlantic slope is thought to be 8000 years (but may not be directly dated). A bottom simulating reflection may follow scarps within the landslide. So, the upper 100s of meters likely cooled over thousands if years.

Various of us are qualified to comment on the book, but I doubt any of us are interested: I am not. This would include John, Penny, Canie, me, Roger if he has a fair amount of geology background to go with his geophysics.


The below is likely nonsense in my opinion because seasonal temperatures would average out at depth:

"That yearly or twice yearly cycle of heating and cooling causes the Earth’s crust to expand and contract, first on the surface, and then gradually farther down into the crust. That heat transfer is actually slow and occurs in waves that travel downwards for centuries and perhaps even thousands of years.

When a heat wave reaches various rock layers it causes them to expand. And that tends to cause continental bodies to become slightly larger in measured size even though the actual mass of the material remains the same."

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Are There Any Expert Geophysics Book Reviewers Out There? - August 12, 2012 - EQF  10:04:28 - 8/16/2012  (80101)  (2)
        ● What's a "tie"? - island chris  09:38:12 - 8/17/2012  (80109)  (2)
           ● Tectonic Plate Theories - Ocean Bottom Methane - August 18, 2012 - EQF  01:50:56 - 8/18/2012  (80113)  (1)
              ● Re: Tectonic Plate Theories - Ocean Bottom Methane - August 18, 2012 - John Vidale  10:06:09 - 8/18/2012  (80114)  (1)
                 ● Hydrate - Island Chris  11:53:36 - 8/18/2012  (80116)  (0)
           ● Re: What's a "tie"? - Skywise  13:20:04 - 8/17/2012  (80112)  (0)
        ● heat does not travel in waves - John Vidale  22:02:40 - 8/16/2012  (80108)  (1)
           ● Re: heat does not travel in waves - Pavel Kalenda  12:46:16 - 8/18/2012  (80117)  (1)
              ● more recent literature - John Vidale  13:38:23 - 8/18/2012  (80119)  (1)
                 ● Re: more recent literature - Pavel Kalenda  14:11:06 - 8/18/2012  (80120)  (1)
                    ● tiny deformation - John Vidale  16:13:22 - 8/18/2012  (80122)  (1)
                       ● Re: tiny deformation - Pavel Kalenda  22:52:56 - 8/18/2012  (80125)  (1)
                          ● Re: tiny deformation - Skywise  23:16:16 - 8/18/2012  (80126)  (1)
                             ● Re: tiny deformation - Pavel Kalenda  23:25:17 - 8/18/2012  (80127)  (2)
                                ● Re: tiny deformation - Skywise  13:53:00 - 8/19/2012  (80132)  (1)
                                   ● Re: tiny deformation - Pavel Kalenda  21:08:29 - 8/19/2012  (80135)  (2)
                                      ● ?? - John Vidale  22:06:44 - 8/19/2012  (80139)  (1)
                                         ● Re: ?? - Pavel Kalenda  00:44:24 - 8/20/2012  (80140)  (1)
                                            ● citation? - John Vidale  10:48:19 - 8/20/2012  (80144)  (2)
                                               ● Re: citation? - Pavel Kalenda  14:22:11 - 8/20/2012  (80147)  (0)
                                               ● Re: citation? - Pavel Kalenda  14:16:18 - 8/20/2012  (80146)  (1)
                                                  ● those aren't refereed papers - John Vidale  15:30:16 - 8/20/2012  (80148)  (1)
                                                     ● Re: those aren't refereed papers - Pavel Kalenda  18:23:54 - 8/20/2012  (80149)  (2)
                                                        ● Re: those aren't refereed papers - Skywise  19:56:43 - 8/20/2012  (80151)  (0)
                                                        ● web links, then? - John Vidale  19:54:06 - 8/20/2012  (80150)  (1)
                                                           ● Re: web links, then? - Pavel Kalenda  21:01:06 - 8/20/2012  (80152)  (1)
                                                              ● it's not that hard - John Vidale  22:10:24 - 8/20/2012  (80153)  (1)
                                                                 ● Re: it's not that hard - Pavel Kalenda  11:15:31 - 8/21/2012  (80155)  (1)
                                                                    ● email - John Vidale  11:40:47 - 8/21/2012  (80156)  (1)
                                                                       ● got it - John Vidale  22:23:32 - 8/21/2012  (80160)  (1)
                                                                          ● Re: got it - Pavel Kalenda  23:31:19 - 8/21/2012  (80162)  (1)
                                                                             ● that signal is way too big - John Vidale  23:53:44 - 8/21/2012  (80163)  (1)
                                                                                ● Re: that signal is way too big - Pavel Kalenda  00:30:55 - 8/22/2012  (80164)  (1)
                                                                                   ● confusing - John Vidale  09:56:57 - 8/22/2012  (80168)  (3)
                                                                                      ● Re: confusing - Pavel Kalenda  02:13:23 - 8/23/2012  (80177)  (1)
                                                                                         ● Re: confusing - Skywise  09:30:01 - 8/23/2012  (80181)  (0)
                                                                                      ● Re: confusing - Pavel Kalenda  13:38:38 - 8/22/2012  (80171)  (1)
                                                                                         ● Berger - John Vidale  15:11:57 - 8/22/2012  (80172)  (1)
                                                                                            ● Re: Berger - Pavel Kalenda  00:29:24 - 8/23/2012  (80176)  (1)
                                                                                               ● move discussion to new thread? - heartland chris  06:33:14 - 8/23/2012  (80179)  (1)
                                                                                                  ● no point - John Vidale  09:30:51 - 8/24/2012  (80193)  (0)
                                                                                      ● typo correction - John Vidale  10:01:33 - 8/22/2012  (80169)  (0)
                                      ● Re: tiny deformation - Skywise  22:01:00 - 8/19/2012  (80137)  (0)
                                ● strain measurements show tides - John Vidale  09:37:42 - 8/19/2012  (80131)  (1)
                                   ● Re: strain measurements show tides - Pavel Kalenda  21:02:48 - 8/19/2012  (80134)  (0)
     ● No review from me - John Vidale  09:21:36 - 8/13/2012  (80086)  (0)