What's a "tie"?
Posted by island chris on August 17, 2012 at 09:38:12:

I think I wore a tie once a couple of years ago, to a memorial service.

While I spend time on this page, that is mostly recreation although I learn something once in a while from the better posts or links. But, I have no interest in reading a book with alternate hypotheses on plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is well understood. If someone who was very familiar with plate tectonics and geology, who had a critical mind, read the book and wanted to post what they thought was credible, new, and interesting here, I would read the post.

But to do what I do, I need to read scientific articles published in well-known journals. I don't read enough of these, and that can be a problem. I should read one every couple of mornings. I work in 3 or 4 geographic areas and a lot of sub-areas, and while I have become very specialized on what data I use (seismic reflection data), the science is diverse, so there is a lot to read:
faulting and folding
sedimentation, including interactions with faulting and folding
climate, especially past climates: last 1 million years in Santa Barbara Channel, last 50 million years in Antarctica.
Now, I seem to have jumped into frozen methane.

So, areas I work are offshore and coastal southern California (4 regions). Getting back to offshore Central California.
Marmara Sea Turkey.
Haiti (on hold for lack of funding)
Ross Sea Antarctica
and now, the continental slope and rise offshore USA Mid Atlantic.


Follow Ups:
     ● Tectonic Plate Theories - Ocean Bottom Methane - August 18, 2012 - EQF  01:50:56 - 8/18/2012  (80113)  (1)
        ● Re: Tectonic Plate Theories - Ocean Bottom Methane - August 18, 2012 - John Vidale  10:06:09 - 8/18/2012  (80114)  (1)
           ● Hydrate - Island Chris  11:53:36 - 8/18/2012  (80116)  (0)
     ● Re: What's a "tie"? - Skywise  13:20:04 - 8/17/2012  (80112)  (0)