Posted by Russell on June 03, 2006 at 08:52:34:

Hi everyone:

Joan and I often laugh about the GFPM - or the Gut Feeling Prediction Model - So far, its the only method I think I understand - although relative to me it almost never works.

However, I do have a strong gut feeling that Southern California is on the verge of a fairly sizable quake. I feel like the Newport-Inglewood fault is going to remind of its presence sometime in the next month.

I will probably be completely wrong and hope that I am. But I wondered if anyone here - regardless of your prediction methodology - ever gets a simple old-fashioned gut feeling about a pending quake.

Anybody care to comment and offer a sucess rate? Mine is abysmal with one exception.


Follow Ups:
     ● 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Steve  01:35:14 - 6/5/2006  (37873)  (1)
        ● Re: 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Canie  21:53:01 - 6/7/2006  (38009)  (1)
           ● Re: 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Cathryn  22:13:14 - 6/7/2006  (38019)  (1)
              ● Re: 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Canie  23:21:42 - 6/7/2006  (38026)  (1)
                 ● Re: 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Cathryn  00:18:19 - 6/8/2006  (38029)  (1)
                    ● Re: 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Canie  09:04:06 - 6/8/2006  (38055)  (1)
                       ● Re: 6/5/06-Sleepless in So. Cal - Cathryn  13:00:17 - 6/8/2006  (38073)  (0)
     ● Re: GFPM - Cathryn  17:25:56 - 6/3/2006  (37780)  (1)
        ● Re: Cathyrn-gut instinct - Cal  20:33:21 - 6/3/2006  (37789)  (1)
           ● Re: Cathyrn-gut instinct - Cathryn  21:35:57 - 6/3/2006  (37796)  (1)
              ● Re: Cathyrn-gut instinct - Cal  13:08:32 - 6/4/2006  (37858)  (1)
                 ● Re: Cathyrn-gut instinct - Cathryn  13:28:16 - 6/4/2006  (37859)  (0)
     ● Re: GFPM - Cal Orey  13:27:02 - 6/3/2006  (37767)  (0)
     ● That's not very nice, Russell! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  09:18:21 - 6/3/2006  (37759)  (3)
        ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Russell  18:16:46 - 6/3/2006  (37784)  (0)
        ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Glen  14:25:09 - 6/3/2006  (37771)  (1)
           ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  20:36:22 - 6/3/2006  (37790)  (2)
              ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Cathryn  21:32:52 - 6/3/2006  (37795)  (1)
                 ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Canie  21:54:23 - 6/7/2006  (38010)  (1)
                    ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Cathryn  22:15:31 - 6/7/2006  (38020)  (0)
              ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Russell  21:30:25 - 6/3/2006  (37794)  (1)
                 ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  22:05:50 - 6/3/2006  (37799)  (4)
                    ● Yikes! - Cathryn  00:01:46 - 6/4/2006  (37821)  (1)
                       ● Re: Yikes! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  00:37:40 - 6/4/2006  (37830)  (1)
                          ● Re: Yikes! - Cathryn  00:52:41 - 6/4/2006  (37832)  (0)
                    ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Cathryn  23:14:40 - 6/3/2006  (37809)  (0)
                    ● '92, not '91 - Barbara  22:49:22 - 6/3/2006  (37804)  (3)
                       ● Sylmar vets unite - Cathryn  23:41:28 - 6/3/2006  (37817)  (0)
                       ● Sylmar - Cathryn  23:16:18 - 6/3/2006  (37810)  (2)
                          ● Re: Sylmar - Carol  23:33:02 - 6/3/2006  (37815)  (1)
                             ● Re: Sylmar vets - Cathryn  23:38:07 - 6/3/2006  (37816)  (1)
                                ● Southern California Earthquake Vet - Carol  09:35:18 - 6/4/2006  (37848)  (1)
                                   ● Re: Southern California Earthquake Vet - Cathryn  13:32:45 - 6/4/2006  (37860)  (0)
                          ● Re: Sylmar - Russell   23:21:08 - 6/3/2006  (37812)  (1)
                             ● Re: Sylmar - Cathryn  23:58:47 - 6/3/2006  (37819)  (1)
                                ● Re: Sylmar - Russell   00:09:15 - 6/4/2006  (37825)  (1)
                                   ● Re: Sylmar - Cathryn  00:22:59 - 6/4/2006  (37829)  (1)
                                      ● Re: Sylmar - Barbara  08:12:07 - 6/4/2006  (37847)  (1)
                                         ● Re: Sylmar - Cathryn  13:37:51 - 6/4/2006  (37861)  (1)
                                            ● Re: Sylmar - Barbara  14:28:05 - 6/4/2006  (37866)  (0)
                       ● Re: '92, not '91 - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  22:59:21 - 6/3/2006  (37806)  (1)
                          ● Sylmar vets unite - Cathryn  23:18:19 - 6/3/2006  (37811)  (1)
                             ● Re: Sylmar vets unite - Barbara  00:03:41 - 6/4/2006  (37822)  (2)
                                ● Re: Sylmar vets unite - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  00:56:02 - 6/4/2006  (37834)  (1)
                                   ● Re: Sylmar vets unite - Cathryn  01:05:52 - 6/4/2006  (37838)  (0)
                                ● Re: Sylmar vets unite - Cathryn  00:18:53 - 6/4/2006  (37828)  (1)
                                   ● Earthquake Timing - Carol  09:42:16 - 6/4/2006  (37849)  (1)
                                      ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Cathryn  13:41:00 - 6/4/2006  (37862)  (1)
                                         ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Canie  22:03:24 - 6/7/2006  (38013)  (2)
                                            ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Todd  01:08:39 - 6/8/2006  (38035)  (1)
                                               ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Cathryn  01:19:51 - 6/8/2006  (38036)  (1)
                                                  ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Canie  09:06:43 - 6/8/2006  (38056)  (1)
                                                     ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Cathryn  13:02:41 - 6/8/2006  (38074)  (0)
                                            ● Re: Earthquake Timing - Cathryn  00:29:25 - 6/8/2006  (38030)  (0)
                    ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Russell   22:19:09 - 6/3/2006  (37803)  (1)
                       ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  22:50:25 - 6/3/2006  (37805)  (1)
                          ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Russell  23:03:29 - 6/3/2006  (37807)  (1)
                             ● Re: That's not very nice, Russell! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  23:12:41 - 6/3/2006  (37808)  (2)
                                ● Sweet Jesus! ! (N/T) - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:54:01 - 6/4/2006  (37845)  (1)
                                   ● Re: Sweet Jesus! ! (N/T) - Russell  10:12:53 - 6/4/2006  (37850)  (1)
                                      ● Re: Sweet Jesus! ! - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  12:18:18 - 6/4/2006  (37856)  (1)
                                         ● Re: Sweet Jesus! ! - Cathryn  13:47:08 - 6/4/2006  (37863)  (0)
                                ● In the dark, here - Cathryn  23:26:42 - 6/3/2006  (37814)  (1)
                                   ● Re: In the dark no more - Cathryn  23:52:14 - 6/3/2006  (37818)  (1)
                                      ● Re: In the dark no more - Russell  00:01:21 - 6/4/2006  (37820)  (1)
                                         ● Re: In the dark no more - Cathryn  00:03:50 - 6/4/2006  (37823)  (0)
        ● Re: GFPM! - marc / berkeley  09:39:25 - 6/3/2006  (37760)  (1)
           ● Re: GFPM! - Carol  12:52:51 - 6/3/2006  (37765)  (1)
              ● Re: GFPM! - Todd  16:57:31 - 6/3/2006  (37779)  (1)
                 ● Re: GFPM! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  20:51:52 - 6/3/2006  (37792)  (1)
                    ● Re: GFPM! - Cathryn  21:56:31 - 6/3/2006  (37797)  (3)
                       ● Re: GFPM! - Mary Antonelli  16:44:32 - 6/4/2006  (37867)  (0)
                       ● Re: GFPM! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  22:19:05 - 6/3/2006  (37802)  (1)
                          ● Re: GFPM! - Cathryn  23:23:38 - 6/3/2006  (37813)  (1)
                             ● Re: GFPM! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  00:11:10 - 6/4/2006  (37826)  (1)
                                ● Re: GFPM! - Cathryn  01:01:38 - 6/4/2006  (37837)  (1)
                                   ● Re: GFPM! - Canie  22:11:23 - 6/7/2006  (38016)  (1)
                                      ● Re: GFPM! - Cathryn  00:57:03 - 6/8/2006  (38031)  (0)
                       ● Re: GFPM! - Joan Chesleigh-Blaine  22:14:24 - 6/3/2006  (37800)  (0)