Re: Earthquakes And CMEs
Posted by Canie on May 07, 2003 at 09:16:16:

I think, that with any triggering cause, there has to be sufficient strain built up in an area before there will be a quake. Maybe the use of instrumentation such as GPS or strainmenters, etc, can help detect such stresses.

I think that these 'triggered quakes' (if we can call them that) from CME's are quakes that would have happened anyway at some point but were 'quickened' by the electromagnetic energy.

I just think the odds for a larger quake increase under those conditions.

Or - does anyone think the geomagnetic influence can increase the size or the earthquake? Does it somehow reduce the friction on the fault plane?


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - Don in Hollister  09:41:05 - 5/7/2003  (18610)  (1)
        ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - EQF  12:25:57 - 5/7/2003  (18611)  (1)
           ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - Don in Hollister  16:48:24 - 5/7/2003  (18613)  (2)
              ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - chris in suburbia  08:34:34 - 5/8/2003  (18615)  (0)
              ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - EQF  08:29:07 - 5/8/2003  (18614)  (3)
                 ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - Roger Hunter  16:50:57 - 5/8/2003  (18620)  (1)
                    ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - EQF  20:01:04 - 5/9/2003  (18637)  (0)
                 ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - Don in Hollister  13:00:40 - 5/8/2003  (18618)  (2)
                    ● Re: Earthquakes And CMEs - EQF  20:00:52 - 5/9/2003  (18636)  (0)
                    ● Absolutely right. - Roger Hunter  16:47:20 - 5/8/2003  (18619)  (0)
                 ● fluctuation convictions - John Vidale  09:38:53 - 5/8/2003  (18617)  (1)
                    ● Re: fluctuation convictions - EQF  20:00:36 - 5/9/2003  (18635)  (1)
                       ● water well level - John Vidale  07:02:14 - 5/10/2003  (18641)  (1)
                          ● Re: water well level - EQF  11:35:15 - 5/10/2003  (18646)  (1)
                             ● points are being missed - John Vidale  12:58:33 - 5/10/2003  (18648)  (2)
                                ● Shan's method - Roger Hunter  12:52:24 - 5/11/2003  (18662)  (2)
                                   ● a poor man's strainmeter? - John Vidale  08:58:04 - 5/12/2003  (18671)  (2)
                                      ● Re: a poor man's strainmeter? - Roger Hunter  13:39:24 - 5/14/2003  (18701)  (0)
                                      ● Re: a poor man's strainmeter? - EQF  16:46:14 - 5/12/2003  (18680)  (0)
                                   ● Re: Shan's method - EQF  14:47:15 - 5/11/2003  (18665)  (0)
                                ● Re: points are being missed - EQF  14:11:24 - 5/10/2003  (18650)  (0)