a poor man's strainmeter?
Posted by John Vidale on May 12, 2003 at 08:58:04:


You're serious?

So it would be sensitive only to enormous changes in the Earth's rotation or velocity, or else to local tilt, which was shown to be uselessly noisy in the 70's, or strain, which is measured orders of magnitude more accurately other ways? And it records only one component of the vector change, or two?

Thanks for the info.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: a poor man's strainmeter? - Roger Hunter  13:39:24 - 5/14/2003  (18701)  (0)
     ● Re: a poor man's strainmeter? - EQF  16:46:14 - 5/12/2003  (18680)  (0)