Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed
Posted by Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande on December 02, 2006 at 07:22:01:

Steve's October 20 prediction for an M5.5 - 7.5 quake within 80.5 km of Parkfield by "0000 Dec. 2 PT" has not been fulfilled.

Steve described this forecast as "experimental," and appears to have based it on instrumental readings of strain and "Geomag data." The result of the experiment, then, seems to be one more data point confirming the chimerical nature of the whole endeavor. Precursory phenomena are either missing, transitory, meaningless, or misleading for virtually every prediction or quake.

Michael Williams
Arroyo Grande, CA USA

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed - Glen  20:24:27 - 12/2/2006  (60816)  (1)
        ● Re: Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:21:54 - 12/3/2006  (60826)  (2)
           ● Wide Open Field - Glen  16:13:21 - 12/3/2006  (60838)  (1)
              ● Re: Wide Open Field - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  17:51:39 - 12/3/2006  (60841)  (3)
                 ● I agree with Mike - John Vidale  20:37:08 - 12/3/2006  (60850)  (0)
                 ● Istanbul Gap - heartland chris  20:34:22 - 12/3/2006  (60849)  (1)
                    ● Re: Istanbul Gap - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  22:11:58 - 12/3/2006  (60855)  (1)
                       ● Re: Istanbul Gap - heartland chris  06:55:10 - 12/4/2006  (60888)  (0)
                 ● Re: Wide Open Field - Glen  19:37:45 - 12/3/2006  (60845)  (3)
                    ● Re: Wide Open Field - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  22:18:00 - 12/3/2006  (60856)  (0)
                    ● Re: Wide Open Field - Cathryn  20:55:33 - 12/3/2006  (60851)  (1)
                       ● Re: Wide Open Field - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:03:27 - 12/4/2006  (60885)  (1)
                          ● Re: Wide Open Field - Cathryn  12:28:14 - 12/5/2006  (60924)  (0)
                    ● use relocated quakes, not PDEs? - heartland chris  20:27:47 - 12/3/2006  (60848)  (1)
                       ● Questions from an amateur - Cathryn  21:11:09 - 12/3/2006  (60853)  (1)
                          ● quick answer - John Vidale  22:26:16 - 12/3/2006  (60859)  (2)
                             ● Thanks, again. (NT) - Cathryn  22:59:43 - 12/3/2006  (60866)  (0)
                             ● All of my work down the drain.... - Glen  22:49:54 - 12/3/2006  (60861)  (1)
                                ● Re: All of my work down the drain.... - Cathryn  23:06:58 - 12/3/2006  (60868)  (1)
                                   ● most locations don't change much - John Vidale  23:44:40 - 12/3/2006  (60875)  (2)
                                      ● Re: most locations don't change much - heartland chris  07:05:05 - 12/4/2006  (60889)  (0)
                                      ● Re: most locations don't change much - Glen  05:28:30 - 12/4/2006  (60883)  (0)
           ● Correction-Para. #4 - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:31:41 - 12/3/2006  (60827)  (0)
     ● Re: Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed - Steve  07:57:38 - 12/2/2006  (60802)  (1)
        ● Re: Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed - heartland chris  08:23:15 - 12/2/2006  (60806)  (2)
           ● Re: Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:34:48 - 12/3/2006  (60828)  (0)
           ● Re: Steve's Parkfield Prediction Failed - Steve  09:05:09 - 12/2/2006  (60809)  (1)
              ● Re: Comment on tensor strain - Steve S/ SF  22:40:10 - 12/3/2006  (60860)  (1)
                 ● Re: Comment on tensor strain - Cathryn  23:11:53 - 12/3/2006  (60871)  (1)
                    ● Re: Comment on tensor strain - Steve S/ SF  23:24:52 - 12/3/2006  (60873)  (0)