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Re: Link to Terracycles |
As the author of this site, I would gladly answer any questions about it. As time goes on, the picture is becoming clearer and clearer to me. I have identified several causes for earthquakes and the interelatedness of these causes. For example, one cause for increased earthquake activity is the increased thawing of permafrost, glaciers and ice fields. The mass displacement from the polar regions is transfered to the equatorial regions. In addition, the mass of free water that is affected by solar and lunar tides also increases, adding increased force against the plate boundaries near shorelines. I liken the effect to a cookie sheet filled halfway with water. While walking in circles someone else gradually adds a little more water each moment. The tidal forces in the cookie sheet become increasingly difficult to handle. Another earthquake cause, as I see it, is solar radiation. While I'm aware that most radiation is blocked by the earth's atmosphere, oceans and crust, I'm also aware that gamma rays, X-rays and perhaps other radiations manage to penetrate the earth's outer defenses. I'm even open to the idea that an exotic form of radiation is generated from solar fission that we don't yet fully understand. Whatever this radiation is, it is all likely to be generated at the same time. Therefore, when the Solar X-ray flux increases, all radiation from the sun increases proportionally. Much like a microwave oven cooks a potato from the inside out, it appears that radiation from the sun is heating the iron and radioactive substances in the magma and core almost simultaneously with increased Solar X-ray activity. When the magma beneath the crust is heated it makes the crust more mobile. Even though it may only increase the movement of the crust by a fraction of a centimeter, the total kinetic energy increase is still quite large. I have noticed that during periods of increased Solar X-ray flux that there is a corresponding increase in 4 to 5 magnitude earthquakes around the globe. It is not possible to predict precisely where or when these earthquakes will occur from this observation, but it does show a correlation between the two activities. When the Solar X-ray flux significantly decreases, such as drop from a baseline average of C2 to a baseline average of B4, then the magma nearly instantly cools, just like the cooking process nearly stops the moment the microwave oven is turned off. There is still background heat, but it is static and no longer dynamic. This sudden cooling causes hot spots along plate boundaries to seize up. There is a temporary lull in all earthquakes, and then the momentum of the plates (as slow as they move) begins a series of major earthquakes of magnitude 7 or greater all over the face of the planet. Generally the quakes will start in the South Pacific/Middle East and then migrate clockwise around the Pacific Rim. Depending on the rate of cooling and previous length of heating, there could be 8 to 12 magnitude 7+ earthquakes at the rate of about one earthquake a week or more. My current prediction, based on the extended length of this current solar maximum, is that we will see at least 10 magnitude 7+ earthquakes within an eight week period if the cooling should begin within the next few weeks. The current rash of magnitude 6+ and 7+ earthquakes are, in my opinion, due to the extended nature of this solar maximum. Most of the slack in the crustal plates has been used up and now places usually more quiet are being stretched. The recent 7+ earthquake just south of Australia is an example of the stretching. Also, there is also the random nature of areas with unique geographies that come into play. For example, it has been assumed by some scientists that the New Madrid fault is overdue. If there is a process that could trigger such a fault it would be this global stretching due to the extended solar maximum. But New Madrid isn't the only such fault. There are similar faults in Africa, China, Russia, Europe, in fact, over most of the globe. So we can expect to see some major quakes not associated with the Ring of Fire or Middle East systems to come to life in the next two years. I say the next two years because, according to the chart produced by Tim Jacobs on the Solar Threat list, our sun has not yet expended its full energy quota for this solar cycle. In fact, it looks like 2002 will see the actual solar max instead of 2000/2001 as previously predicted by NASA. I'm currently seeking more information concerning Solar X-ray Flux output for the past three solar cycles to determine whether this solar cycle is fundamentally different from previous solar cycles or not. There are, of course, other causes for earthquakes as researched by individuals such as E.D.G. and others. I do believe the actual lunar phase plays an important catalyst role in some fracture zones, especially when timed to coincide with tidal forces, but the lunar cycles are also just one more piece of an interelated tectonic puzzle. I have also considered the possibility that electrostatic charges between the plates play and important part in causing earthquakes. If two plates both develop the same charge along a fault, the effect is electromagnet repulsion. This could be an electrostatic lubrication that would particularly come into play a few years prior to a solar maximum. Hydrostatic lubrication is also a factor, particulary having a local effect. But increased free water into the oceans cause increased tidal pressures on the coasts, which in turn lead to greater hydrostatic pressures along coastal fault lines. This is particularly important for the San Andreas fault system. Earthquakes are also likely caused directly from solar proton storms buffeting the earth. As the plasma stream presses against our magnetosphere and ionosphere, it causes the negatively charged ionosphere to press down closer toward the oceans. Half of our planet is covered by the Pacific Ocean alone. This huge tectonic plate is covered with sea water that has electromagnetic properties. I believe this broadly applied pressure against the Pacific Ocean transfers pressure to the underlying plates. Combined with the tidal forces, a properly timed CME hitting the earth transfers mechanical energy directly to the plates, thus triggering earthquakes. This effect is particularly noticeable during the approach of solar maximum. Due to the more fluid nature of the mantle during solar maximum, the electromechanical effect of a CME is less noticeable. But when the electromechanical effect triggers an earthquake, it almost always starts a chain reaction that begins in the South Pacific Islands region and then moves clockwise around the Pacific Rim. Out of all the causes I have cited above, I believe the single most important cause for earthquakes is tidal action. The daily movement of tons of water that slosh toward the Americas in the morning and toward the South Pacific Islands and Asia in the evenings is the primary source of mechanical energy that drives the tectonic plate system. Everything else moves to fill in the voids created by the Pacific movements and thus the Pacific Ocean, more than any other earth feature, is most responsible for driving all the major systems on the planet. Currently the energy in this system is increasing due to positive feedback from all the other systems on the planet. As more water is released from global thawing, more earthquakes will occur. I wouldn't mind further elaborating if there are any questions or criticisms. Dave Follow Ups: ● Re: Link to Terracycles - Roger Hunter 17:48:49 - 12/13/2001 (11904) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - David Thomson 18:37:26 - 12/13/2001 (11905) (2) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - Canie 19:36:11 - 12/13/2001 (11910) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - David Thomson 20:08:04 - 12/13/2001 (11914) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - Canie 22:41:27 - 12/13/2001 (11922) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - David Thomson 09:24:56 - 12/14/2001 (11932) (0) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - Roger Hunter 19:30:00 - 12/13/2001 (11908) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - David Thomson 21:25:11 - 12/13/2001 (11917) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - Roger Hunter 20:04:45 - 12/14/2001 (11955) (2) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - bobshannon.org 22:45:48 - 12/14/2001 (11963) (0) ● Tidal Forces According to NASA - David Thomson 21:31:56 - 12/14/2001 (11958) (2) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - Canie 22:42:58 - 12/14/2001 (11962) (1) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - David Thomson 23:11:57 - 12/14/2001 (11966) (2) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - Roger Hunter 15:02:51 - 12/15/2001 (12007) (1) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - David Thomson 22:55:11 - 12/15/2001 (12046) (1) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - Roger Hunter 07:44:02 - 12/16/2001 (12057) (0) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - 2cents 03:29:52 - 12/15/2001 (11975) (1) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - David Thomson 07:32:37 - 12/15/2001 (11988) (1) ● Re: Tidal Forces According to NASA - Roger Hunter 14:30:23 - 12/15/2001 (12005) (0) ● Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - Billion Watts 22:34:54 - 12/14/2001 (11961) (1) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - Canie 07:27:46 - 12/15/2001 (11985) (2) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - Roger Hunter 19:21:44 - 12/15/2001 (12029) (2) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - David Thomson 22:57:22 - 12/15/2001 (12047) (0) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - Canie 21:27:01 - 12/15/2001 (12033) (0) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - David Thomson 07:42:32 - 12/15/2001 (11989) (2) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - Canie 16:19:48 - 12/15/2001 (12015) (0) ● Re: Actually, Lowell's backed up many of Dave's points - 2cents 13:06:48 - 12/15/2001 (12003) (0) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - EQF 17:44:29 - 12/13/2001 (11903) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - David Thomson 18:41:32 - 12/13/2001 (11906) (0) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - Canie 17:05:35 - 12/13/2001 (11902) (1) ● Re: Link to Terracycles - David Thomson 19:01:42 - 12/13/2001 (11907) (0) |
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