San Fernando Quake 9/1/11
Posted by Robert Baum on September 01, 2011 at 15:09:40:

Hi all,
Just had a preliminary 4.2 quake at 1:47:07 pm in the San Fernando Valley. I had a feeling for several days that one might occur but only due to number of quakes in the surrounding area. Watched for any indication, animal-birds etc. with nothing standing out. It as a sudden creaking with a jolt which just shook the house with resulting creak and was over. One second at most. Question is, is there more to come?
Bob,awaiting a maybe in Woodland Hills

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: San Fernando Quake 9/1/11 - heartland chris  15:21:33 - 9/1/2011  (79152)  (1)
        ● Re: San Fernando Quake 9/1/11 - Todd  23:05:45 - 9/1/2011  (79156)  (1)
           ● Re: San Fernando Quake 9/1/11 - heartland chris  05:01:10 - 9/2/2011  (79157)  (3)
              ● Re: San Fernando Quake 9/1/11 - Todd  13:25:25 - 9/2/2011  (79166)  (0)
              ● Re: San Fernando Quake 9/1/11 - PennyB  12:39:36 - 9/2/2011  (79165)  (1)
                 ● Re: San Fernando Quake 9/1/11 - Todd  13:29:10 - 9/2/2011  (79167)  (1)
                    ● 2002 swarm - John Vidale  13:39:27 - 9/2/2011  (79168)  (0)
              ● migrations - John Vidale  09:21:17 - 9/2/2011  (79160)  (0)