Seminar on Honshu 9.0 at USGS, Menlo Park
Posted by Canie on March 30, 2011 at 17:28:56:

Tomorrow 3/31/2011, Professor Jim Mori, Kyoto University will speak on the Tohoku (Honshu) M9.0 earthquake. This is a special date and time, it's at 9:30AM. See The seminar is at the USGS facility in Menlo Park.
Location: Building 3, Room 3240 (main USGS conference room)
Host: Walter Mooney

Also available as podcast - see link below

Follow Ups:
     ● should be good - John Vidale  19:14:32 - 3/30/2011  (78507)  (3)
        ● cell phone warning system - heartland chris  11:26:32 - 3/31/2011  (78514)  (0)
        ● Mt Fuji: Jim Mori talk  - heartland chris  11:19:25 - 3/31/2011  (78513)  (0)
        ● Re: should be good, and Nova last night on same - heartland chris  06:11:11 - 3/31/2011  (78509)  (0)