Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010
Posted by EQF on January 14, 2010 at 19:24:33:

This notes is being posted to a new thread because I am directing researchers and disaster mitigation personnel around the world to read my earlier analysis post pertaining to the Haiti earthquake. And I don’t want them to have to deal with this unfortunate subject matter.

As I stated at the bottom of my earlier analysis post on the Haiti earthquake, once that Haiti fault zone has stabilized in a few weeks or months I am planning to watch for significant aftershocks. And if any are expected I am planning to try to warn the appropriate authorities.

Relief workers including U.S. military personnel are going to be working in dangerously unstable buildings in the earthquake area for the foreseeable future. And it could be a matter of life and death for some of them that they know when a powerful aftershock could be about to occur so that they can make certain they will be able to quickly get out of a building the instant the ground starts to shake.

Some of the people posting notes to this bulletin board are in my opinion interfering with these types of efforts. Their postings are a distraction for me. And they are likely intimidating other researchers to the point where they are unwilling to discuss important subjects or communicate with people out of fear of being criticized or ridiculed.

That is in my opinion extremely irresponsible behavior that might be regarded as having fun on the Internet at the risk of other people’s lives.

Follow Ups:
     ● Note To Canie - January 15, 2010 - EQF  18:59:33 - 1/15/2010  (76453)  (0)
     ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - mrrabbit  19:34:51 - 1/14/2010  (76424)  (1)
        ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - heartland chris  05:37:40 - 1/15/2010  (76430)  (1)
           ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - Tony  09:10:31 - 1/15/2010  (76437)  (2)
              ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - heartland chris  11:14:37 - 1/15/2010  (76444)  (1)
                 ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - Roger Hunter  11:21:29 - 1/15/2010  (76446)  (1)
                    ● sorry, overstated problem - heartland chris  08:15:54 - 1/16/2010  (76459)  (1)
                       ● problem, IMO - John Vidale  09:36:02 - 1/16/2010  (76462)  (1)
                          ● Re: problem, IMO - heartland Chris  10:11:21 - 1/16/2010  (76464)  (1)
                             ● no much to do - John Vidale  10:43:03 - 1/16/2010  (76465)  (1)
                                ● big faults - heartland chris  11:54:53 - 1/16/2010  (76466)  (0)
              ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - mrrabbit  10:08:35 - 1/15/2010  (76438)  (2)
                 ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - Canie  20:02:33 - 1/15/2010  (76455)  (1)
                    ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - mrrabbit  20:38:08 - 1/15/2010  (76456)  (0)
                 ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - Tony  10:58:37 - 1/15/2010  (76442)  (1)
                    ● Re: Earthquake Aftershock Forecasting January 14, 2010 - PennyB  11:51:41 - 1/15/2010  (76449)  (0)