Re: if I read you right - Not Really
Posted by Petra on February 19, 2006 at 20:32:17:


As you are the one with the license; would you care to comment on your opinion of why they do what they do, when they do it? You're in the old boys clubhouse, you should be an expert witness. Why in the world would one of the "favorites" continue to be a favorite when he is so shallow to blame the people who died in the San Simeon quake because they should have known better on live TV no less. That is reprehensive behavior. He says he's humbled, well humble my ass. How in the world can you blame a victim for being a victim of a building falling on them during an earthquake. There weren't any notices posted and no one made a prediction in public, nor did anyone go there and tell them to get prepared, just in case? I don't blame KB either or anyone else that knew because his work is experimental.

And since I dug up with witness word could you elaborate on why so far you and the other one, (no names mentioned) seem to be slow to accept what I reported upon hearing Jordan's outline of his program. Don heard it to and he hasn't objected. I read Jordan's description of his program last evening to see what it said. It didn't say anything. Its the non-description, description. I'd love to read his proposal for the funding and see what that said. To hear your side and mine sounds like two entirely separate programs. So is it possible there are two? I'm wondering.

As for class clowns, the nose picker takes an early lead. There shall always be a keyboard between him and I if any conversations develop.


Follow Ups:
     ● chatting here is a hobby - John Vidale  21:14:22 - 2/19/2006  (33927)  (1)
        ● I'm Sorry, You're Under-appreciated. - Petra  05:19:24 - 2/20/2006  (33935)  (1)
           ● Re: I'm Sorry, You're Under-appreciated. - John Vidale  06:58:46 - 2/20/2006  (33936)  (1)
              ● Suppression of Information - Petra  12:06:17 - 2/20/2006  (33947)  (1)
                 ● difference of opinion - John Vidale  13:31:56 - 2/20/2006  (33966)  (2)
                    ● Re: difference of opinion - Russell  14:29:57 - 2/20/2006  (33973)  (1)
                       ● Re: difference of opinion - Don in Hollister  15:14:02 - 2/20/2006  (33980)  (0)
                    ● Re: difference of opinion - Jim W.  14:07:07 - 2/20/2006  (33972)  (0)