Re: difference of opinion
Posted by Jim W. on February 20, 2006 at 14:07:07:
" even perhaps not solvable." Hey even in Aerodymanics there are some formula's that have assumed constants added to the formula to make it solvable to the point that the engineers have a good educated guess as to how an airplane will fly. From what I understand if one has 4 or more unknowns in the formla it is considered unsolvable. And based on what I have read sofar earthquake predictions has way too many unknowns to even figure out which unknowns can be handled by a constant such as the possibale effect of tides being able to trigger a quake (even though I do believe that JOB has possible the right idea for a small part of the possible formula). The formula for the elastic wing design used by Boeing for the 767 was about 200 pages long and it was full of constants pluged into the formula including the factor K end for the end of the formula and last page.