Re: Earthwaves archives |
Hi Chris, As I said in other notes, the precursor data I have seen related to that recent Japan earthquake are STUNNING !!! And I have been busy for the past week trying to do a major update on my Earthquake Forecasting Web page so that more data can be stored there. And researchers around the world will then have access to some of those data. That is not as easy as it might sound. I am having to go to considerable lengths to make data available there in such a manner that children etc. visiting the Web site don’t get upset by what they see. I had planned to use one approach for that but decided that it was still not safe enough. So my second plan is to store certain of those data in a zip file at the site. No one but serious researchers will bother to download the zip file and go through the steps necessary to see those data. Anyway, until that effort is finished I will not have time to keep current on the EarthWaves board notes. So I have no idea what request you were talking about. If you were referring to my wanting to have all of my personal posts removed from the board archives before Canie transfers them to anyone then at the moment, that is still valid. Those original posts are dated on Canie’s Internet Server regarding exactly when they were created etc. And that provides them with a certain type of legal and historical significance. With Canie's help I could remove them all myself. That might take perhaps an entire day since there are so many of them going back to around the start of the board. Until that Web page update is finished I am not going to have time to think that matter through. But if Canie is not planning to transfer the archives until the start of 2013 then there is still plenty of time to give the matter some thought. Additionally, the science of earthquake forecasting is now so advanced in my opinion that I am strongly considering getting my own bulletin board running. It would use the same CGI program as EarthWaves. But it will be more or less exclusively for people who actually believe that earthquakes can be predicted. These destructive remarks that we keep seeing here on the EarthWaves board would make it impossible to get any forecasters to post notes. On a more protected bulletin board they might be willing to do that. The reason that board is not already running is because I simply don’t have time to work as a moderator for a bulletin board. But it appears that devoting some time to that might be necessary. These are personal opinions. Follow Ups: ● Re: Earthwaves archives - EQF 03:20:04 - 12/12/2012 (80765) (1) ● Re: Earthwaves archives - Skywise 14:00:39 - 12/12/2012 (80771) (1) ● Re: Earthwaves archives - EQF 22:36:04 - 12/12/2012 (80772) (1) ● Re: Earthwaves archives - Skywise 00:05:35 - 12/13/2012 (80773) (2) ● Re: Earthwaves archives - Roger Hunter 09:37:50 - 12/13/2012 (80778) (0) ● Remove EQF if he continues along this track - Island Chris 05:01:06 - 12/13/2012 (80776) (2) ● Comment - December 14, 2012 - EQF 15:49:13 - 12/14/2012 (80792) (0) ● Re: Remove EQF if he continues along this track - Skywise 13:53:37 - 12/13/2012 (80780) (0) ● EQF, please read this. - Skywise 00:52:47 - 12/12/2012 (80764) (0) |