M8.7 (preliminary) west of Sumatra, tsunami watch for Indian Ocean
Posted by heartland chris on April 11, 2012 at 03:16:22:

There was just a M8.7 in the Indian Ocean rather far west of northern Sumatra, where the M9.2 occurred in December 2004 with deadly tusnami. But, and just in the last couple of minutes they put up a focal mechanism, this is not a subduction quake: it is strike-slip and relatively far west of the subduction zone. This is likely a hugely unusual quake. Maybe the magnitude will be downgraded. If it stays M8.7, I think it is the largest recorded strike-slip quake in instrumental history. If it broke only the upper 20 km or so, it would have to be incredibly long (1000 km? much more?) to be M8.7.

There is a tsunami watch for the Indian Ocean. Strike-slip earthquakes should not cause anything like the 2004 tsunami.

I woke up wide awake worrying about something unrelated, probably just before the quake (I woke up at 12:30 AM Pacific). But, I often wake up avery couple of hours.

I'm in Goleta California, next to UCSB.

OK, now I have to stay up more and see what is going on


Follow Ups:
     ● Wikipedia has info - heartland chris  17:04:27 - 4/11/2012  (79794)  (0)
     ● M8.2 follows M8.6 remarkable quakes - heartland chris  09:58:54 - 4/11/2012  (79788)  (3)
        ● IRIS link - heartland chris  05:05:08 - 4/12/2012  (79801)  (0)
        ● USGS-alternate interpretation - heartland chris  11:31:08 - 4/11/2012  (79791)  (0)
        ● Re: M8.2 follows M8.6 remarkable quakes: correction - heartland chris  10:21:46 - 4/11/2012  (79790)  (0)
     ● Re: M8.6 (preliminary) west of Sumatra, tsunami watch for Indian Ocean - heartland chris  04:00:33 - 4/11/2012  (79783)  (2)
        ● Re: M8.6 (preliminary) west of Sumatra, tsunami watch for Indian Ocean - Beth  10:12:31 - 4/11/2012  (79789)  (0)
        ● CNN meteorologist doing OK job, but.. - heartland chris  04:09:33 - 4/11/2012  (79784)  (2)
           ● Re: CNN meteorologist doing OK job, but.. - Canie  12:38:18 - 4/11/2012  (79792)  (0)
           ● Re: CNN meteorologist doing OK job, but.. - Tony  07:30:09 - 4/11/2012  (79785)  (2)
              ● quakes not independent - John Vidale  09:57:55 - 4/11/2012  (79787)  (1)
                 ● Re: quakes not independent - heartland chris  04:44:11 - 4/12/2012  (79800)  (1)
                    ● stats - John Vidale  08:16:55 - 4/12/2012  (79802)  (0)
              ● level of great quakes high - heartland chris  09:43:50 - 4/11/2012  (79786)  (1)
                 ● Re: level of great quakes high // Thanks - n/t - Tony  18:56:13 - 4/11/2012  (79798)  (1)
                    ● M8,6L NNE or ESE? - heartland chris  08:37:59 - 4/13/2012  (79805)  (0)