M8,6L NNE or ESE?
Posted by heartland chris on April 13, 2012 at 08:37:59:

It still is not clear from the map of quakes whether the M8.6 was on an WNW-ESE fault or on a SSW-NNE fault. Now they have added after shocks between M4.5 and 5 and the map has filled in a bit. It shows BOTH orientations. I'll stick with my original interpretation that it is WNW-ESE and the ocean fabric perpendicular to it is just being activated also. There just is not enough distance in the NNE-SSW orientation to have a M8.6 + 8.2.

But there is still a very long gap in aftershocks between the NW cluster and the NE cluster.

Thunder just now in Goleta near UCSB: not common.

Wonder of it is snowing on Santa Ynez Mts (in cloud).
