emasculated military!?
Posted by John Vidale on September 01, 2011 at 10:59:55:

Our military budget is equal to the COMBINED budgets of the #2 through #16 largest spending countries in the world. It's more than half of the ENTIRE US federal budget! The monotonic and rapid increase in the military budget is the single largest factor in the US federal budget deficit. Even bigger than slashing taxes.

For better or worse, our predicament comes from wars and tax cuts - the non-military budget hasn't changed nearly as much as those two factors.

I simply can't believe some of the things I read on the internet. I went through an Ayn Rand phase, too, but left it when I got to high school.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: emasculated military!? - Barbara  12:20:00 - 9/1/2011  (79141)  (1)
        ● Re: emasculated military!? - John Vidale  12:58:07 - 9/1/2011  (79142)  (1)
           ● Re: emasculated military!? - Barbara  13:28:46 - 9/1/2011  (79143)  (1)
              ● accounting - John Vidale  14:27:26 - 9/1/2011  (79144)  (1)
                 ● Re: accounting- in defense of defense.. - Canie  14:55:36 - 9/1/2011  (79145)  (1)
                    ● not exactly - John Vidale  15:11:00 - 9/1/2011  (79149)  (1)
                       ● a little more - John Vidale  15:20:40 - 9/1/2011  (79151)  (0)
     ● a solution - John Vidale  11:32:35 - 9/1/2011  (79140)  (0)