prediction claims and comments here please
Posted by heartland chris on March 11, 2011 at 06:28:43:

I'm not telling people what to do, and it is Canie's page, but I'm making a strong suggestion that any prediction claims not be put on information and geology/seismology threads. For example, yes, EQF had posted that something was going on with whatever information (eartones for example?) he collects.

this is a deadly earthquake with a dangerous tsunami now crossing the Pacific and just arriving in the northwest Hawaiian islands. According to Canie, there are a lot of hits on Earthwaves and some people may get part of their information here. Some of us will call out what we consider irresponsible claims posted here. But, when if we call people out, let's be direct but not lose it (Hi Brian :)).

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: prediction claims and comments here please - EQF  11:00:38 - 3/11/2011  (78260)  (1)
        ● Re: prediction claims and comments here please - Skywise  11:20:15 - 3/11/2011  (78261)  (2)
           ● EM signals and eartones - heartland chris  07:10:17 - 3/12/2011  (78278)  (2)
              ● X class solar flare and magnetic storms - heartland chris  11:06:25 - 3/13/2011  (78310)  (0)
              ● Re: EM signals and eartones - Skywise  12:23:20 - 3/12/2011  (78280)  (0)
           ● Re: prediction claims and comments here please - EQF  11:57:30 - 3/11/2011  (78267)  (1)
              ● Re: prediction claims and comments here please - Skywise  12:33:25 - 3/11/2011  (78271)  (1)
                 ● Re: prediction claims and comments here please - Roger Hunter  13:00:03 - 3/11/2011  (78274)  (0)
     ● Re: prediction claims and comments here please - Skywise  10:34:13 - 3/11/2011  (78258)  (2)
        ● looking at myself also - heartland chris  11:46:33 - 3/11/2011  (78266)  (1)
           ● Re: looking at myself also - Skywise  11:59:31 - 3/11/2011  (78268)  (0)
        ● looking at myself also - heartland chris  11:44:47 - 3/11/2011  (78265)  (0)
     ● Another M8.9 near Tokyo highly improbable now - heartland chris  09:18:21 - 3/11/2011  (78255)  (0)
     ● Active week for global M6+ quakes.  - heartland chris  07:20:51 - 3/11/2011  (78243)  (1)
        ● Re: Active week for global M6 - Japan just made #7 in history+ quakes.  - Beth  08:00:15 - 3/11/2011  (78246)  (1)
           ● large quakes since 1960 - heartland chris  08:33:00 - 3/11/2011  (78248)  (1)
              ● Re: large quakes since 1960 - Beth  08:44:42 - 3/11/2011  (78250)  (2)
                 ● Re: large quakes since 1960 - heartland chris  16:25:50 - 3/12/2011  (78291)  (0)
                 ● Re: large quakes since 1960: John V? Roger?  - heartland chris  15:18:09 - 3/12/2011  (78290)  (1)
                    ● pre-1960 numbers suspect - John Vidale  19:08:14 - 3/12/2011  (78295)  (0)