Can we try again?
Posted by Russell on May 02, 2006 at 13:06:29:

Hi everybody:

Those folks here who believe in the ear tone theory continually suggest that the rest of us keep an open mind. I think everyone here has an open mind and is willing to discuss the subject on some level or another.

However, an open mind isn’t ALL that is required in order to support a belief. I again point to my religious leanings as an example. I can have good reason for a particular belief and I can tell you why I think something is true, but that will never be enough for someone else to latch onto and turn their skepticism into belief. Roger and I recently had this discussion and in the short time we took, he had equally valid reasons for disbelieving what I had valid reasons to believe. We didn’t, and probably never will see eye to eye on the subject – and that’s ok. BUT – He was able to validate his answer for himself and I was able to validate my answer for myself.

An agnostic or an atheist could say “You MIGHT be right about God, but I’ll need more evidence in order to take the idea seriously.” That’s fair. A scientist could say “You MIGHT be right about ear tones, but I need some tangible science to latch onto in order to take it seriously.” In scientific pursuits, that’s beyond fair – that’s what it’s all about.

So far, the ear tone crowd doesn’t give answers. They repeat a belief and support it with an action/reaction argument that could be applied to anything with as much weight as it can be applied to earthquakes. Maybe that’s as good as it gets, and that would be fair in and of itself but the constant claims of validity and the repeated calls for the scientific community to be “open minded” beg for additional questions and demand additional answers.

So, with that in mind, I would once again like to ask some questions:

What precisely is happening that would cause the ear tone in the first place?
What exactly lead to the conclusion that the ear tone was eq related?
Why do only certain people hear the tones?
Are there statistical studies of reported “hits” that lead to a “better-than-chance” conclusion?
Given the sheer number of eqs each day/week – why aren’t there more ear tones reported within this group alone?

This is in no way a comprehensive list of questions, but the answers would make for a good start.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Can we try again? Oh Yes! - Petra  04:50:56 - 5/4/2006  (36755)  (1)
        ● It must be me... - Russell  19:52:25 - 5/6/2006  (36826)  (1)
           ● Re: It must be me... - Cathryn  14:39:41 - 5/12/2006  (36900)  (0)
     ● Re: Can we try again? - Roger Hunter  13:42:59 - 5/2/2006  (36708)  (1)
        ● Ear Tones - EQF  15:23:21 - 5/3/2006  (36736)  (2)
           ● Re: Ear Tones - Petra  05:00:35 - 5/4/2006  (36756)  (1)
              ● Ear Tones - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:58:20 - 5/4/2006  (36757)  (2)
                 ● Larry Park's Response - Petra  06:00:23 - 5/6/2006  (36813)  (1)
                    ● background - John Vidale  07:56:08 - 5/6/2006  (36817)  (0)
                 ● 7 Years and Counting - Petra  11:42:34 - 5/4/2006  (36762)  (1)
                    ● Re: 7 Years and Counting - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  12:29:04 - 5/4/2006  (36764)  (1)
                       ● Re: 7 Years and Counting - Petra  13:14:55 - 5/4/2006  (36765)  (0)
           ● Re: Ear Tones - Roger Hunter  21:30:08 - 5/3/2006  (36750)  (1)
              ● Re: Ear Tones - EQF  13:46:56 - 5/7/2006  (36844)  (0)