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Re: Hey Russell |
Hey Petra: How you construed my posting as a personal diagnosis is quite beyond me. I posted a quote from a medical researcher describing the known causes for ringing in the ears. There was no claim on my part about you having any condition whatsoever. Now, for several paragraphs beginning with "As to" and "As for": As to my being fair or not, I think I was entirely fair with you. I asked you to give me some solid basis for understanding what on God's green earth you are talking about and you didn't quite answer my questions. You talked more about your personal experience, the experience of others and how you can "hear" Palm Springs. You talk of waves and your personal abilities to perceive them, yet ignore the science of wave propogation and completely overlook the fact that (to my knowlege) no instrument has recorded such a wave. (A wave is a wave Petra. If it starts in one place and can be percieved in another, then there are physical properties that can be measured. So far, you have nothing to offer in the way of evidence that such a wave even exists.) In short, there is no scientific evidence to suggest a basis for your hypothesis. There is only the subjective experience of you and your friends which - for now - place your theory somewhere at the edge of science and not in the heart of science. But does any of that matter to me? No. You can hear what you hear and test your theories to your heart's content - with every right and all my compliments. However, you cannot expect that you can make the claims you make and not have someone, somewhere put you to task over it. Science is about asking and answering some tough questions. As to whether or not I am psychic, I respond by asking what is the relevance? (Although I do find it somewhat telling that you chose clairaudient as your primary question to me on the subject). Whether I am psychic or no niether detracts from your theory nor adds to it. As for labeling you and your friends; explain that to me. What label have I attached to you? Even if you were to read my postings as a personal affront, at worst I called you a psychic. You yourself have indirectly hinted at - if not directly claimed - such a gift. How could I be now so offensive to you by qualifying your thesis as more psychic than scientific? And did you once read where I followed that catalouging up with "And therefore it is preposterous and ridiculous and unworthy of further consideration." No you did not read that because I did not write that. In fact, my last sentence should have left you with a sense of my - albeit slightly - open mind. Lastly as to my education and qualifications - Do you know whether I am a Phd or a garbage collector? Do you know if I maintain a private practice or a private collection of meatballs? Do you know if I am a published psychologist or an unfeeling psychopath? No, you know nothing of me and I know nothing of you save what you post here. Further, that knowledge is completely irrelevant. There were no diagnosis offered and no labels attaced although - as far as you know - I may be more than qualified to provide you with both. So, test away Petra. Collect all the data on ear tones you possibly can. I wish you the best success in the world and all the attendant glory. I support you and other's right to do just that. For my part, I will continue to read what you post and push you for clarification and evidence of the claims you make - whether I step on a nerve or no and whether you answer or no. I would expect no less from you were I to venture any hypothesis here. All the best, Russell
Follow Ups: ● Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Petra 00:54:11 - 3/25/2006 (35113) (1) ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Russell 03:54:52 - 3/25/2006 (35115) (1) ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Petra 04:21:56 - 3/25/2006 (35116) (2) ● Re: Time Stamp - Canie 22:57:07 - 3/25/2006 (35134) (0) ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Russell 10:33:54 - 3/25/2006 (35120) (2) ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Barbara 12:39:08 - 3/25/2006 (35124) (1) ● Hi Barbara - Petra 13:28:23 - 3/25/2006 (35126) (0) ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Petra 12:00:25 - 3/25/2006 (35122) (1) ● ..and there's an end. - Russell 13:01:06 - 3/25/2006 (35125) (0) |
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