My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+
Posted by Amit on November 04, 2013 at 06:11:13:

1 19-11-2006 6.5 0 1
2 11/12/2006 7.2 0 2
3 18-12-2006 6.9 0 3
4 24-12-2006 6.4 0 4
5 8/4/2007 7.5 0 5
6 24-04-2007 7.5 0 6
7 28-04-2007 7.5 0 7
8 2/5/2007 7.5 0 8
9 10/5/2007 7.8 0 8
10 16-06-2007- 7 0 9
11 13-08-2007 7 0 3
12 22.8-2007 7 0 14
13 22-12-2007 7 0 15
14 29-12-2007 7 0 16
15 4/5/2008 8 0 17
16 5/5/2008 8 0 18
17 10/5/2008 8 6.8 on 10-05-2008 19
18 13-05-2008 8 7.9 on12-05-2008 20
19 17-05-2008 8 0 21
20 20-05-2008 8 0 22
21 20-10-2008 6.9 6.9 on 19-10 27
22 2/1/2009 6 7.6 on 3-01-2009 29
23 4/1/2009 7.2 ditto 30
24 11/1/2009 7.1 0 31 12-01 not taken
25 15-01-09 7.4 7.4, 6.7 on 15-01-09 33
26 26-01-09 6.9 0 35
27 9/2/2009 7.1 0 36
28 4/3/2009 6.6 0 37
29 6/3/2009 6.9 0 38
30 15-04-09 6.5 6.7 on 16-04 39
31 22-04-09 6.7 0 40
32 9/5/2009 6.6 0 41
33 18-05-09 7.2 0 42 an d 43
34 24-05-09 6.7 0 44
35 6/6/2009 6.8 0 45
36 13-06-09 6.5 0 46 mag taken 7
37 16-06-09 6.5 0 47 mag taken 7.2
38 20-06-09 6.5 0 48 mag taken 7.1
39 22-06-09 6.5 0 49 ditto 7.4
40 3/10/2009 6.5 0 51
41 11/10/2009 6.8 0 53
42 13-10-09 7 0 54
43 24-10-09 7 7.0 on24-10 0 roger have not taken
44 18-10-09 6.9 0 55
45 24-12-09 6.6 0 58
46 26-12-2009 6.5 0 59
47 1/1/2010 7.2 0 60
48 3/1/2010 7 7.1 and 6.5 on 3-01-2010 61
49 15-01-10 6.7 0 62
50 18-01-10 6.6 0 63
51 30.01.10 6.5 0 64
52 15-02-2010 6.6 0 65
53 28-02-10 6.8 8.8 and 6.9 on 27-02 66
54 11/3/2010 6.5 7.2 and 6.9 on 11-03-2010 67
55 15-03-10 6.9 6.6 and 6.5 on 14-03 68
56 29-03-10 7 6.6 on 30-03 69
57 11/4/2010 6.5 6.8 on 11-04-2010 70
58 25-04-10 6.6 6.5 on 26-4-10 71
59 20-05-10 6.6 0 73
60 23-05-10 7 6.5 on 24-05-10 74
61 27-05-10 7 7.2 on 27-05-10 75
62 29-05-10 7 0 76
63 5/6/2010 7.1 0 77
64 12/6/2010 7.1 7.5 on 12-0610 79
65 22-06-10 7.1 6.7 on 26-06-10 80
66 4/7/2010 6.8 0 81
67 11/7/2010 6.8 0 82
68 16-07-10 7.1 0 83
69 23-07-10 6.9 7.4 and 7.3 on 23-07-2010 84
70 26-07-2010 7.1 0 85
71 31-07-10 6.5 0 86
72 10/8/2010 7 7.3 on 10-08-2010 87
73 7/8/2010 6.8 0 not taken by roger
74 12/8/2010 7.3 7.1 and 6.9 on 12 and 13th -08-10 88
75 24-08-2010 7 0 89
76 27-08-10 7.4 0 90
77 1/9/2010 7 0 91
78 3/9/2010 7.3 7 on 3-09-10 92
79 8/9/2010 7.6 0 93
80 15-09-10 6.6 0 94
81 23-09-10 7.2 0 95
82 30-09-2010 6.9 7.2 on 29-09-2010 96
83 6/10/2010 6.6 0 97
84 9th oct 2010 6.6 0 98
85 20-10-2010 6.9 6.7 on 21-10-2010 99
86 23-10-2010 6.7 0 100
87 2/11/2010 6.6 0 101
88 16-11-2010 7 0 102
89 21-11-2010 6.8 0 103
90 23-11-2010 6.7 0 104
91 29-11-2010 6.7 6.8 on 30-11-2010 105
92 6/12/2010 6.6 0 106
93 21-12-2010 6.8 6.5 on 20-12-2010 107
94 27-12-2010 6.7- 0 108
95 19-01-2011 7 7.2 on 18-01-2011 109
96 25-01-2011 7 0 110
97 19/2/2011 7 0 111
98 21-02-2011 7 6.5 on 21-02-2011 112
99 20-03-2011 7.5 0 113
100 8/4/2011 6.5 7.1 on 7-04-2011 not taken by roger
101 11/4/2011 6.5 6.7 on 11 -04-2011 not taken by roger
102 17-04-2011 6.5 6.6 on 18-04-2011 115
103 7/5/2011 6.8 0 116
104 16-05-2011 6.9 6.6 on 16-05-2011 117
105 29-05-2011 6.7 0 118
106 12/6/2011 6.5 0 120
107 15-06-2011 7 6.5 on 16-06-2011 121 and 122
108 30-06-2011 7 0 123 and 124
109 9/7/2011 7 7.1 on10-07-2011 125
110 31-07-2011 6.5 6.7 on 31-07-2011 126
111 6/8/2011 6.5 0 127
112 13-08-2011 6.8 0 128
113 22-08-2011 7 0 not taken by roger
114 29-08-2011 7.1 6.8 on 30-08-2011 not taken by roger
115 2/9/2011 6.8 6.5 and 6.8 on 2-09-2011 130
116 5/9/2011 6.5 6.6 on 5-09-2011 131
117 12/9/2011 7 0 132
118 28-09-2011 7.2 0 133 and 134
119 21-10-2011 6.6 7.4 on 21-10-2011 137
120 27-10-2011 6.9 6.9 on 28-10-2011 138 ad 139
121 13-11-2011 6.5 0 141
122 25-11-2011 6.7 0 142 and 143
123 10/12/2011 6.5 6.7 on 11-12-2011 145
124 20-12-2011 6.6 0 147
125 24-12-2011 6.9 0 148
126 9/1/2012 6.5 6.6 on 9-01 and 7.2 on 10-01-2012 150
127 19-01-2012 6.6 0 151 and 152
128 12/2/2012 6.5 0 154
129 8-032012 6.7 6.7 on 9-03-2012 158
130 15-03-2012 6.5 6.9 on 14-03-2012 159 and 160
131 7/4/2012 6.5 0 162 and 163
132 6/5/2012 6.8 0 166
133 8/5/2012 6.6 0 167
134 22-05-2012 6.5 0 169
135 4/6/2012 6.6 0 171
136 10/6/2012 6.5 0 172
137 29-06-2012 6.6 0 175
138 3/7/2012 7.1 0 177 and 178
139 29-07-2012 6.8 6.5 on 28-07-2012 not taken by roger
140 25-08-2012 6.6 6.6 on 26-08-2012 180 and 181
141 8/9/2012 6.6 0 183
142 23-09-2012 6.7 0 186 and 187
143 19-10-2012 6.8 0 189
144 15-11-2012 7 6.5 on 16-11-2012 191 and 192
145 13-12-2012 7.1 0 194
146 27-12-2012 6.8 0 196
147 10/1/2013 7 0 199
148 23-01-2013 6.5 0 201
149 6/2/2013 7 7.9,7.1 and 7.0 on 6-02-2013 203 and 204
150 18-02-2013 6.5 0 206
151 21-02-2013 6.6 0 207
152 6/3/2013 6.5 0 not taken by roger
153 1/4/2013 6.8 0 210 and 211
154 27-05-2013 6.6 0 214 and 215
155 8/6/2013 6.7 0 216
156 24-06-2013 7 6.5 on 24-06-2013 218 and 219
157 22-07-2013 6.6 6.5 on 21-07-2013 222
158 14-09-2013 6.5 0 224 and 225
159 11/10/2013 6.7 0 229 and 230
160 18-10-2013 6.6 6.5 on 19-10-2013 231

first column is serial number
second column is date of prediction
third is ......magnitude predicted
fourth is Actual quakes
fifth is Rogers list reference serial number ( wih 232 dates)
sixth is remark
However excel sheet could not be properly uploaded (see my blog )

Total predicted dates 160
6.5+ hits with + or - one day window 53

you can see this properly on my blog

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  22:11:15 - 11/4/2013  (101305)  (1)
        ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  22:16:45 - 11/4/2013  (101306)  (0)
     ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  16:06:53 - 11/4/2013  (101301)  (1)
        ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  20:10:38 - 11/4/2013  (101303)  (1)
           ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  20:38:13 - 11/4/2013  (101304)  (1)
              ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  22:32:04 - 11/4/2013  (101307)  (3)
                 ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  00:21:44 - 11/5/2013  (101311)  (1)
                    ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  01:37:11 - 11/5/2013  (101313)  (1)
                       ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  02:59:55 - 11/5/2013  (101315)  (0)
                 ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Roger Hunter  23:20:59 - 11/4/2013  (101309)  (1)
                    ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Roger Hunter  23:45:50 - 11/4/2013  (101310)  (0)
                 ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Roger Hunter  23:19:39 - 11/4/2013  (101308)  (2)
                    ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  03:02:36 - 11/5/2013  (101316)  (1)
                       ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  03:04:13 - 11/5/2013  (101317)  (1)
                          ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Roger Hunter  09:23:26 - 11/5/2013  (101318)  (1)
                             ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Roger Hunter  13:52:42 - 11/5/2013  (101320)  (1)
                                ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  01:42:55 - 11/6/2013  (101322)  (1)
                                   ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Skywise  01:51:15 - 11/6/2013  (101323)  (1)
                                      ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  04:34:38 - 11/6/2013  (101324)  (0)
                    ● Re: My predicted dates and actual quakes 6.5+ - Amit  02:52:58 - 11/5/2013  (101314)  (0)