Re: exaggerated claims, global warming
Posted by Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande on May 25, 2007 at 07:31:03:

Hi Chris, and thanks for your thought-provoking posts.

As I'm sure you know, the Gaia hypothesis was mostly a pop phenomenon, and not a genuine scientific hypothesis. Although, as a hypothesis, it did explain some observations rather well. But, even if it had been a real scientific description of reality, it would not have been able to accomodate the extreme inputs from modern anthropic activities. Sort of like Newtonian mechanics explains and predicts the path of a comet extremely well, but if we go up there and affix an ion engine to said comet, it's gonna change its orbit.

I know that doesn't perfectly address your comment that Gaia self-regulation seems to have made a 180-degree "flip" in the opposite direction. Maybe the hypothesis was a bad one to begin with.

I find, as do you, that the situation is grim, with little prospect of significantly altering the outcome. I differ with some in that I believe that the remaining oil reserves are going to all be burned up to the last drop, without any chance of changing that, and it makes little difference whether we've accomplished that to the 90% level within the next 50 years, or within the next 150. My beef with profligate oil consumption is that we, the U.S., engage in completely immoral, vicious wars in attempting to satisfy our insatiable thirst.

A massive, and necessarily draconian program of global population control, led by the U.S. and other relatively wealthy, and, hence, mostly Western nations, would stand the best chance of mitigating the coming catastrophes, but there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of that happening, especially if the U.S. has to be a major player . . .


Follow Ups:
     ● deep time - heartland chris  05:21:43 - 5/26/2007  (71917)  (1)
        ● Re: deep time...other view - heartland chris  06:54:44 - 5/26/2007  (71920)  (1)
           ● Re: deep time...other view - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  09:32:42 - 5/26/2007  (71922)  (2)
              ● Lewis Black (off topic) - heartland chris  06:08:59 - 5/27/2007  (71926)  (1)
                 ● Re: Lewis Black (off topic) - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  07:35:22 - 5/27/2007  (71927)  (1)
                    ● Iraq (off topic) - heartland chris  08:15:00 - 5/28/2007  (71930)  (2)
                       ● Re: Iraq (off topic) - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  07:16:09 - 5/29/2007  (71934)  (0)
                       ● Re: Iraq (off topic) - Skywise  13:36:53 - 5/28/2007  (71932)  (1)
                          ● Re: Iraq (off topic) - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  10:11:57 - 5/29/2007  (71935)  (1)
                             ● Re: Iraq (off topic) - Skywise  21:59:18 - 5/29/2007  (71936)  (1)
                                ● Back to predictions - Roger Hunter  22:51:00 - 5/29/2007  (71937)  (1)
                                   ● Re: Back to predictions - Skywise  23:06:10 - 5/29/2007  (71938)  (0)
              ● Re: deep time...other view - Skywise  20:35:29 - 5/26/2007  (71925)  (0)
     ● Re: exaggerated claims, global warming  - Skywise  22:24:45 - 5/25/2007  (71913)  (1)
        ● Re: exaggerated claims, global warming  - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  06:16:07 - 5/26/2007  (71919)  (1)
           ● Re: exaggerated claims, global warming  - Skywise  20:31:37 - 5/26/2007  (71924)  (1)
              ● Re: exaggerated claims, global warming  - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  07:37:38 - 5/28/2007  (71929)  (1)
                 ● Re: exaggerated claims, global warming  - Skywise  13:41:21 - 5/28/2007  (71933)  (0)