Thanks John..
Posted by Russell in Fullerton on March 24, 2006 at 17:49:54:

Thanks John. I did a little digging around to see if there was some other thing going on. Here's what Robert Folmer , Oregon Health and Science University's Hearing Research Center, has to say:

"Ringing in the ears is a form of tinnitus, the perception of sound that does not have an external source. Tinnitus can be constant or intermittent and can include buzzing, hissing, or sizzling. Many people experience momentary tinnitus, a high-pitched tone that lasts five to 30 seconds. This transient sensation probably results from changes in blood flow or cellular activity within the inner ear. Acute tinnitus, which can last days or weeks, may be caused by infection, medication, head injury, accumulated earwax, or changes in blood pressure or chemistry. Tinnitus is most commonly caused by exposure to loud sounds such as music at a rock concert, power tools, or gunfire. The subsequent ringing indicates damage to the stereocilia, tiny hairlike structures attached to cells in the inner ear. Moderate sounds cause stereocilia to make small movements, triggering the release of neurotransmitters in the ear that activate auditory nerves in the brain. Excessive noise bends the stereocilia out of shape. People then commonly hear a high-pitched ringing because the hair cells that respond to higher-frequency sounds are most easily harmed by loud noises. If the damage is modest, stereocilia generally return to normal and the ringing stops. Repeated exposure to hazardous sounds eventually destroys hair cells, resulting in permanent hearing loss and long-term tinnitus."

I think when you combine this medical understanding with the apparent subjective nature of the EQ ear tone experience, the lack of instrumental recordings of the phenomenon, and the non existant (to date) substantive record of ear tone to predicted EQ - one has to decide that Petra's theory falls more within the realm of the psychic than the scientific.

Still.."there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosphy...."

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Hey Russell - Petra  19:01:36 - 3/24/2006  (35106)  (1)
        ● Re: Hey Russell - Russell  22:44:33 - 3/24/2006  (35111)  (1)
           ● Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Petra  00:54:11 - 3/25/2006  (35113)  (1)
              ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Russell  03:54:52 - 3/25/2006  (35115)  (1)
                 ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Petra  04:21:56 - 3/25/2006  (35116)  (2)
                    ● Re: Time Stamp - Canie  22:57:07 - 3/25/2006  (35134)  (0)
                    ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Russell  10:33:54 - 3/25/2006  (35120)  (2)
                       ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Barbara  12:39:08 - 3/25/2006  (35124)  (1)
                          ● Hi Barbara - Petra  13:28:23 - 3/25/2006  (35126)  (0)
                       ● Re: Here's an offer I hope you'll accept - Petra  12:00:25 - 3/25/2006  (35122)  (1)
                          ● ..and there's an end. - Russell  13:01:06 - 3/25/2006  (35125)  (0)