Bouvet Island, 5.5
Posted by glen on February 22, 2006 at 23:39:31:

This looks very close to the FFA distances in degrees to the Mozanbique 7.5 mag.

Bouvet Island 5.5 Mag
Time 04:04 UTC 02/23/06
Depth 10 Km

Mozanbique 7.5 Mag
Time 22:19 UTC 02/22/06
Depth 10 Km

Time Difference; 5 Hours, 45 Minutes
Spacial Difference; 4562.8942 Km
Used 111.3171 Km to = 1 Degree
Azimuth 4562.8942/111.3171 = 40.99 Degrees

It's late, so I hope I got all that right. Very close to 40 degrees.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Bouvet Island, 5.5 - Don in Hollister  02:48:27 - 2/23/2006  (34162)  (2)
        ● low angle normal fault? - chris in suburbia  16:13:13 - 2/24/2006  (34233)  (0)
        ● low angle normal fault? - chris in suburbia  16:11:49 - 2/24/2006  (34231)  (0)