PREDICTION - Penngrove, California Earthquake Forecast |
Magnitude: 2.3-3.8Ml There should be a 2.3 to a 3.8Ml on 10/14/2001 at 38.3N/122.6W. This is about 6 Km east of Penngrove. The radius on this is 40Km and the window opens on 10/13/2001 and closes on 10/18/2001. The second one is about 12Km NE of Healdsburg at 38.7/122.3. This should be in the range of 2.8 to 4.0Ml. Most probable date for this one is 10/18/2001. The radius on this one is 40Km. Window opens on 10/17/2001 and will close on 10/21/2001. Sorry Petra. This is the best I can do. However I do have some waiting in the wings and just as soon as my new supply of raw onions and garlic arrive I will post. No promises now, but I think there’s going to be one there that will get your attention. However for now you are just going to have to sit back put your feet up and wait just like I do. Take Care…Don in creepy town Follow Ups: ● Re: Penngrove, California Earthquake Forecast Petra Disagrees - Petra Challus 21:10:01 - 10/10/2001 (9912) (2) ● Looks like another contest - Lowell 18:27:18 - 10/11/2001 (9943) (0) ● Re: Penngrove, California Earthquake Forecast Petra Disagrees - Don In Hollister 21:39:15 - 10/10/2001 (9916) (1) ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Petra Challus 23:09:55 - 10/10/2001 (9921) (1) ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Don In Hollister 23:41:02 - 10/10/2001 (9922) (1) ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Petra Challus 23:55:09 - 10/10/2001 (9923) (1) ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Don In Hollister 00:08:19 - 10/11/2001 (9924) (2) ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Canie 08:23:26 - 10/11/2001 (9932) (0) ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Petra Challus 07:21:41 - 10/11/2001 (9931) (0) |