Re: Penngrove, California Earthquake Forecast Petra Disagrees
Posted by Petra Challus on October 10, 2001 at 21:10:01:

Hey Cowboy,

Here's my post from down below:

Rodgers Creek Fault Forecast
Posted by Petra Challus on October 08, 2001 at 10:06:28:
Magnitude: 1.0 - 1.7
From: 10/8/01 10:06AM PDT - To: 10/18/01 12:00 Midnight PDT
Location: Rodgers Creek Fault
Top Latitude: - Bottom Latitude:
Right Longitude: - Left Longitude:

Hi All,

Well about 15 minutes ago I had the most tiny right ear tone while I was outside. It came and went in an instant. My right ear was facing the west side of the RCF.

I don't think the shaker is going to be that big so close to me. I see our window ends on the same date. Should be interesting to see what shows up.

You wanna bet on something else now? We've been through crispy fried chicken and steak already. How about which ever one of us gets a hit the loser has to treat the other one to dinner at The Sizzler? If we both get it, we can open another bottle of champagne and say, "wha who" together. Are you game?


Follow Ups:
     ● Looks like another contest - Lowell  18:27:18 - 10/11/2001  (9943)  (0)
     ● Re: Penngrove, California Earthquake Forecast Petra Disagrees - Don In Hollister  21:39:15 - 10/10/2001  (9916)  (1)
        ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Petra Challus  23:09:55 - 10/10/2001  (9921)  (1)
           ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Don In Hollister  23:41:02 - 10/10/2001  (9922)  (1)
              ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Petra Challus  23:55:09 - 10/10/2001  (9923)  (1)
                 ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Don In Hollister  00:08:19 - 10/11/2001  (9924)  (2)
                    ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Canie  08:23:26 - 10/11/2001  (9932)  (0)
                    ● Re: Penngrove, I Think We Need A Referee - Petra Challus  07:21:41 - 10/11/2001  (9931)  (0)