The first of two; 99/11/16 22:54:15 42.16N 142.42E 67.5 5.1Mb A HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION Hokkaido is north of Honshu and should be prepared for the second quake which could be as large as a +6. >LS-NORTH SAN FRANCISICO TO TIP OF ALEUTIANS/+4.8 at S.F./50% >TR-FAR NORTHEAST/+4.6/100% >RS-NORTHRIDGE TO SAN JOSE/4.4/50% >RB ARC - RIDGECREST TO N. GULF OF CAL./+4.2/50% Another headache today in the same location as yesterday's. See Archives, under RB Alert, for other symptoms indicating our time may have come. >C L. A. BASIN-SOUTH COAST-/+4.0/+100% >B- BAJA COAST/5.0/100% >TL-RING OF FIRE/WORLD OUTSIDE OTHER AREAS/+6.3/50% >TL S RANGE SPIKES IN CRITICAL: Two S-, Two S and One S+ Left ear tone, short in duration, came through just a while ago. So with the clicks yesterday and the tone today, we may see one of the two above quakes. The quake will be larger the further away it is from me. Anyone picking up anything big for the world at large? This quake will kill if near a populated area. >For my history and 7.0 hits, July, August and September hits. Follow Ups: ● Re:ANOTHER 7.0 - Diane 07:18:51 - 11/17/1999 (901318) (1) ● Re: FOLLOWED BY 6.1 and then... - Diane 15:24:31 - 11/17/1999 (901322) (1) ● Re: FOLLOWED BY 6.1 and then... - Steven T. 20:15:57 - 11/17/1999 (901324) (0) ● Re: CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS-RB ALERTED - Steven T. 20:23:21 - 11/16/1999 (901312) (1) ● Re: CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS-RB ALERTED - Steven T. 21:00:08 - 11/16/1999 (901313) (0) |