Re: Latest NEIC data - What's Missing
Posted by Petra Challus on July 24, 2001 at 23:53:17:

Hi Lowell,

Seems earthquakes rather cluster in certain area's and then they move and it gets busy elsewhere. South America and Indonesia seem to have played a large role of late. Then the odd bits in the US.

What I see missing here are the quakes of the past in Russia and large quakes in China. These two seemed to have quieted down for awhile now. Perhaps the stress has gone out for some time due to prior larger quakes.

There's always a 7 just on the horizon and when viewing the oddities this week in the US it rather gives on pause to think of places like Helena, MT, Challis, ID, Fort Bragg, CA and the volcanics of Stovepipe Wells on the NV border to name a few.

I bet you could come up with more than me in the what's missing dept.


Follow Ups:
     ● China earthquake - Lowell  12:18:37 - 7/25/2001  (8647)  (1)
        ● Re: China earthquake(s) - Petra Challus  17:27:29 - 7/25/2001  (8653)  (1)
           ● To Russia with love - Lowell  20:11:12 - 7/25/2001  (8660)  (1)
              ● Re: To Russia with love - Petra Challus  21:04:07 - 7/25/2001  (8662)  (0)