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Our World’s Three Most Important Material Projects – October 26, 2012 |
Our World’s Three Most Important Material Projects The word “Material” here means that these projects have nothing to do with matters of religion and perhaps just indirect relationships with politics. Additionally, these are just my opinions at the moment. Other people can undoubtedly propose that other projects might be more important.
Governments etc. around the world need to make certain that “Weapons of Mass Destruction” are not created by irresponsible parties and then unleashed against small or large groups of people. Probably almost everyone on the planet would agree that this is an extremely important project.
No modern society can effectively function without adequate sources of environmentally safe, affordable energy. People need affordable energy so that they can heat their homes and have fuel for their cars. Businesses need affordable energy so that they can produce products that are inexpensive enough that people can afford to buy them. Medical researchers and workers need affordable energy for both their personal lives and their businesses. For example, hospitals need affordable energy to heat and cool their buildings and run the elevators etc. For a very, very long time I have been trying to get U.S. Policy Makers to realize that our governments need to develop new sources of environmentally safe, affordable energy. And most of our top U.S. government officials appear to agree that this is the case although the Republicans might want to strike the “environmentally safe” part out of the statement. I also recently and formally contacted U.S. Science Policy Makers and said, “This report that I have just sent you explains what this one particular new source of energy would look like and how it would work.” My report also stated that both environmental groups and oil company official should like that particular energy source or energy development resource. The main problem here is that there are just too many agenda oriented groups pulling governments in different directions with regard to energy development efforts, not just with earthquake forecasting efforts. And so, the nonprofit foundation discussed as Project # 3 in this posting needs to get developed so that governments have a better understanding of what new sources of environmentally safe and affordable energy look like, why we need them, and how they would work.
No high level official working for any government on the planet that I am aware of has access to high accuracy scientific information regarding subjects such as energy development efforts and earthquake forecasting. Everything that those people read or hear about has been filtered by the people in some organization or government agency so that it matches their own agendas. And, most high level government officials have their own agendas as well. So they will frequently just refuse to listen to anything that they don’t want to hear. And they force the people running government agencies and people who are getting grants from the government to go along with their agendas. One or more independently funded nonprofit foundations need to be created to accomplish the following: 1. Collect truly accurate science information etc. and make it available to various extents to government officials and the general public. Wikipedia.org is probably one of the best organizations out there for making information available for free to people around the world. But Web pages posted on the Wikipedia site generally must conform to what is “Politically Correct” in my opinion. Material stored there that is not Politically Correct can get people so angry at the people running the Web site that they are forced to remove it. For example, people such as myself who are convinced that Some Earthquakes Can Be Predicted would find it just about impossible to have a Web page devoted to earthquake forecasting stored on the Wikipedia site. Geologists around the world would scream at the top of their Internet lungs. Government officials and large corporation executives also often don’t want the general public to be aware of things that are taking place. And they will attempt to get government scientists fired who are unwilling to go along with the “Party Line.” So, one or more independent nonprofit foundations need to be created just so that accurate scientific information is available to people who want to and who need to know the truth. And those foundations need to be constructed and funded so that they have a high level of immunity to interference from government officials and corporate executives. 2. Prepare a lengthy list of all of the problems around the world that threaten people’s health and well being such as problems associated with our global shortage of environmentally safe, affordable energy, and make that list of problems available to people who want to help solve those problems. Over the years there have actually been one or more nonprofit foundations that have attempted to create such lists. But those nonprofits appeared to eventually get frustrated that they were not making any measurable progress with getting any of the problems solved. And they went out of business or changed their focus to something else. 3. Provide Web space and Web resources etc. to people who want to help solve those problems in that previously mentioned list. During the next few weeks before the November 6, 2012 elections I will be circulating reports to U.S. Policy Makers and others regarding the need for the creation of that nonprofit foundation discussed as Project # 3. Earlier this week, U.S. Policy Makers were told by me that we need to have such a nonprofit foundation created just so that they can get an accurate picture regarding the nature of our international energy shortage and our options for solving that problem, without interference from oil company officials etc. After the election I have an earthquake related project that needs to get finished. Early this year or late last year I told U.S. Policy Makers that I am working on it. Once that project is completed I will probably be devoting a fair amount of additional time and energy to efforts aimed at getting those proposed nonprofit foundations created. These are personal opinions. Follow Ups: ● Re: Our World’s Three Most Important Material Projects – October 26, 2012 - Roger Hunter 10:08:52 - 10/26/2012 (80470) (1) ● Re: Our World’s Three Most Important Material Projects – October 26, 2012 - EQF 06:14:24 - 10/28/2012 (80476) (0) |
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