but first...
Posted by Skywise on April 04, 2011 at 22:24:59:

... I need to find some high resolution topography data for the Japan area. I have lots of digital elevation models for the US, especially high res stuff for Cal/Nev. I was playing around with this before Google Maps/Earth came around.

I have global 1 arc minute resolution, bit it still looks grainy. Just found some 30 arc-second resolution. Somehow I doubt there is better easily found. Free, that is.

Funny, I have been interested in mapping since I was a kid. I used to draw maps of islands on my Pee Chee folders. Must have been all those map supplements in National Geographic.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: but first...SRTM, GMT - heartland chris  04:52:03 - 4/5/2011  (78551)  (1)
        ● Re: but first...SRTM, GMT - Skywise  11:57:10 - 4/5/2011  (78554)  (2)
           ● bathymetry - heartland chris  05:47:37 - 4/6/2011  (78557)  (1)
              ● Re: bathymetry - Skywise  12:14:42 - 4/6/2011  (78558)  (1)
                 ● Japan, Puerto Rico - heartland chris  04:58:59 - 4/7/2011  (78559)  (1)
                    ● Re: Japan, Puerto Rico - Skywise  11:03:16 - 4/7/2011  (78562)  (1)
                       ● Re: Japan, Puerto Rico - heartland chris  12:12:26 - 4/7/2011  (78563)  (0)
           ● Re: but first...SRTM, GMT - Roger Hunter  13:51:13 - 4/5/2011  (78555)  (1)
              ● Re: but first...SRTM, GMT - Skywise  16:34:49 - 4/5/2011  (78556)  (0)