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Re: Corroboration via Mary Maya !? Re: An Almost For Petra |
Hi Mark, Though Mary/Maya and I do know each other, we have not been communicating anything in particular regarding any specific ear tones. What you see here is what used to happen all the time with two or more sensitives reporting on this board. It also brought forth posts by those who received headaches, head pressure feelings and a long list of other symptoms. I live in Petaluma and that's where I received the tone. It should not be anything unexpected that two ear tone sensitives should be hearing a particular quake when they are not so far away from each other. I'll tell you a little interesting dream I had quite a few years ago when I first realized I could hear ear tones. I was in a room and there was a topographical map of California laying on top of a table that was smaller than the map. The map was made out of modeling clay and had every county in the state marked out. I saw a man wearing a linen cloth garment. I knew that every day he would be contacted by ear tone sensitives and I could see him with a marker stick pointing out the location of future earthquakes. In this case the ear tone sensitives lived in the counties that the forecasted earthquakes would be arriving. There were hundreds of them throughout the state. As I am as gifted a psychic as I am an ear tone sensitive the dream showed me a couple of things. First the man is an "ancient one." That told me, the time when this could happen in the future was very far away. But it also said that at some future time ear tone sensitive people would be acknowledged and their abilities used for the greater good of human kind. We have a long, long way to go yet. However, the purely scientific mind I also possess that says to be practical and analytical says, do it the way science has always done it. Instrument the faults, caputure the sounds, study them and see what the results are. This is a very expensive way to go about this, in both time and money, but in the end, it may be the only true way to prove that yes faults emit a certain sound before the surface rupture occurs and it is indeed prior to an earthquake. The study in the end with all the other factors known would say where it would be, how large and most important yet, "when." As I mentioned this once before, I just wanted to pass it along, just for reference. Those few years ago when we sensitives worked as a cohesive group, we had one month where we were 95% correct in our predictions for quakes at that time. Mostly it was around 75%. Thats probably better than any one person does on average any given year. What seems improbable, highly unlikely, unscientific is to my way of thinking as real as anything else on planet Earth. What Don and I have been trying to achieve for the past three months is for me to report my ear tones to him. He logs them in his computer. He can't hear these tones himself. But he knows the data and understands it fully, where I don't. So we have been trying to see what we can accomplish with our differences and see the logic, reason, data and tones to perfect prediction. It ain't perfect, but its getting better. So, no I'm not corroborating with Mary/Maya but with Don. He's good enough to take the time to log my sounds and keep track of them because I just don't have the time to do so myself. I even call him on my cell phone on my coffee breaks at work so I can tell him as much in advance as possible. We are both dedicated to this effort even if I have to wake him up at 3 in the morning, which I have done once already. Good thing he's retired. Now that credit is given where it belongs I have to say that a long time ago Antonio Romino told me I was jumping the gun in my timing and he has been proven correct. The problem I and other tone sensitives have is that when we hear this sound it seems as though it is going to occur immediately. So when you think of animals running away before earthquakes, it happens hours or days before a quake, thus this feeling we have is similar in that respect. Therein lies the problem. "Timing is Everything" I hope the above sheds a little light on this type of thing we experience that unfortunately is not shared by everyone. Petra Follow Ups: ● Re: Corroboration via Mary Maya !? Re: An Almost For Petra - mark 21:23:08 - 5/29/2001 (7794) (0) ● Ear Tones related to distance from possible EQ - Jen 04:20:52 - 5/29/2001 (7786) (1) ● Re: Ear Tones related to distance from possible EQ - Canie 08:41:29 - 5/29/2001 (7787) (1) ● Re: Ear Tones related to distance from possible EQ - Jen 19:47:42 - 5/29/2001 (7793) (1) ● Re: Ear Tones related to distance from possible EQ - mark 21:40:47 - 5/29/2001 (7796) (1) ● Re: Ear Tones related to distance from possible EQ - Jen 18:37:50 - 5/30/2001 (7809) (0) |
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