Re: lack of pros and cons appalling
Posted by Canie on June 08, 2008 at 10:58:56:

But, saying that man (and woman) cannot affect the global climate is not reasonable: it is well understood that we can.

And how can we change the climate? The only methods I've seen on this, beyond increasing a bit of rain, is such far out ideas that the HAARP or some electromagnetic device can cause hurricanes, earthquakes and other far flung ideas.. satellite laser, microwave or solar systems to heat the earth surface or change the track of a hurricane - all in the theoretical stages.. but to control the climate on a global level? Raising/lowering the temperatures? enough to affect temperatures, ocean currents and all that goes into the global climate?

I don't know.. it all seems far into the future to me.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: lack of pros and cons appalling - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  20:26:45 - 6/8/2008  (74012)  (0)
     ● man's affect on climate=simple - heartland chris  20:22:59 - 6/8/2008  (74011)  (0)