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The information in the prior post is 100% accurate |
Apparently the self-proclaimed experts on PUMP &DUMP; TAYLOR DEVICES and the stock market have implied that i am disseminating false facts and am involved in some sort of conspiracy to manipulate stock prices.I would counter by observing these IGNOBLE IGNORAMUSSES appear to be afflicted with acute KNEEJITIS; not to be confused with FLEA-BITE-US err PHLEBITIS.KNEEJITIS occurs when one takes a cursory,shallow look at an idea or information and renders a biased,emotional,unobjective,unenlightened,uninformed,unintelligent judgement without checking the facts which are readibly available at one's disposal.It appears to manifest itself more frequently with those of a more liberal orientation or bias which is contrary to what one would assume.If not brought under control one may incur damage to the chin by way of the kneecap.(Would serve one right for sticking one's neck out based on a kneejerk reaction!) For all i know you may be trying to knock the price down because you are short shares;or you wish to initiate a long position at lower levels.How's that for turning the tables? In fact YOU are doing a disservice to property owners in quake affected areas and maybe your right to post should be revoked.By owning this company one might hedge against financial losses incurred from quake damage if one finds it prohibitively expensive to take out insurance or cannot qualify or find an insurer.Granted there are no guarantees; but neither is there with insurers as many victims of Katrina sadly learned. You claim i am purportedly pumping for personal profit only.If that were the case why wouldn't i spend a measly $20 to pump the pages of SYZYGY JOB.And why are there minimal posts on the YAHOO message board under TAYD? In fact most of the irrational deceitful pumping i have observed in the year&half I've followed it has been negative to knock the price down by mean-spirited possibly paid posters.Their absence lately is indicative of a bottom or close to it.Another thing to consider is that the price and volume most likely would have risen lately if this was an orchestrated scam with money behind it;as the scammers would've bought in before pumping.The facts i have stated are spot-on and i challenge anyone to find FAULT with them!Also something to consider is why would i recommend a selling strategy as i did if was trying to pump it and then dump it?This is totally illogical and would occur after a pumper sold.I was merely trying to alert people that the price can spike very rapidly and descend as it did when it went from 2.48 to 9.19 in 2 trading days after the TSUNAMI.Of course i want the price to go up as i own it as an investment and a hedge against possible damage to my domicile in SOCAL.But i am also motivated to make property owners aware of an alternative to high priced insurance; not just by owning the company;but possibly in the future by having their shock absorbers installed in their homes or businesses. Did you 3 WISE MEN take the time to look at taylor devices.com (which has been around since 1955)or tayd under yahoo finance or FRANK CONDON on the SYZYGY JOB board? Undoubtedly you didn't or you would have discovered among other things that the CALIFORNIA-PUBLIC EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM owns stock in this.Gee are they part of the conspiracy too? The only meat I'm visualizing is the brain-dead meat that has taken up residency in the cranium of 3 collectively clueless characters. Good thing I'm a vegetarian! Buy the weigh the market is in an uptrend (as evidenced by the DOW'S all-time high today) or a bull market; but of course you knew that;as you do KNOW-BULL but unfortunately don't know NO-BLE. ALSO my huge pump'n dump scam has acheived astounding results-the price was up a whopping cent today! Now i can afford to sell and retire in TIJUANA A RICH MAN! (in pesos that is!) ROCK-ON-BABY-BOOMER DOOM'N GLOOMER BARRY! Follow Ups: ● Re: The information in the prior post is 100% accurate - Skywise 22:31:35 - 10/3/2006 (41193) (1) ● Re: The information in the prior post is 100% accurate - Cathryn 23:21:52 - 10/3/2006 (41197) (1) ● Re: The information in the prior post is 100% accurate - Skywise 22:21:34 - 10/4/2006 (41238) (0) ● Re: The information in the prior post is 100% accurate - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande 20:41:04 - 10/3/2006 (41189) (1) ● Re: The information in the prior post is 100% accurate - Cathryn 23:29:20 - 10/15/2006 (41704) (0) |
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