Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance
Posted by barry on October 02, 2006 at 14:51:39:

Instead of buying high priced quake insurance(which you may not be even able to obtain) you may want to buy the stock of TAYLOR DEVICES-symbol TAYD-traded on the NASDAQ. Check it out on YAHOO FINANCE with a link to their web site.This company is well established and manufactures seismic dampers which ameliorate the effects of earthquake tremors on structures;as well as other products.The stock is on sale now at $4.85;41% less than it's recent high of 8.25 last April; but up 68% from it's price of 1yr. ago of 2.88.The tecnical indicators for the stock are extremely oversold.Earnings are improving and they are expanding into the residential market;which could be huge.The price of the stock went up 175% after the Northridge January 1994 quake and up 271% after the Great Tsunami of Dec. 2004. If you buy it you may want to place an order to sell it for at least double the prevailing price as it can move up and down quite fast as it is a small company. This could be a very propitious time to acquire this company as FRANK CONDON'S indicators of future seismic activity are the highest since last October before the big Pakistan quake and there is also the full moon on Friday.Check it out over on the SYZYGY JOB board......GOOD LUCK!

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Canie  16:03:27 - 10/3/2006  (41179)  (0)
     ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Skywise  18:33:24 - 10/2/2006  (41138)  (1)
        ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  20:11:24 - 10/2/2006  (41140)  (2)
           ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Cathryn  21:46:21 - 10/3/2006  (41190)  (1)
              ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  22:01:53 - 10/3/2006  (41191)  (1)
                 ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Cathryn  22:10:03 - 10/3/2006  (41192)  (0)
           ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - heartland chris  06:59:39 - 10/3/2006  (41146)  (1)
              ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Canie  15:53:21 - 10/3/2006  (41177)  (0)