Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance
Posted by Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande on October 02, 2006 at 20:11:24:

No kiddin', Brian! Or, even worse - from the National Association of Stock Dealers ( page on "Stock Spams and Scams", there is the following item:
"Pump and Dump" scams where messages are sent urging readers to quickly buy a stock, based on a future company or economic development. The message senders may be insiders or paid promoters who gain by selling their shares after unsuspecting investors pump up the stock price"

Cathryn may want to take a long, hard look at this person's right to post....

But, at the very least, I would caution any readers to steer very clear of the recommended stock.

Michael F. Williams
Arroyo Grande, CA USA

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Cathryn  21:46:21 - 10/3/2006  (41190)  (1)
        ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  22:01:53 - 10/3/2006  (41191)  (1)
           ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Cathryn  22:10:03 - 10/3/2006  (41192)  (0)
     ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - heartland chris  06:59:39 - 10/3/2006  (41146)  (1)
        ● Re: Low priced alternative for earthquake insurance - Canie  15:53:21 - 10/3/2006  (41177)  (0)