Thanks. That is comforting.
Posted by Cathryn on June 19, 2006 at 21:10:02:

Very. Much more than 72 hours have passed since the San Martin 4.7. (I've never even heard of that town before this.) And if only 5% are preceded by foreshocks, that is very, very comforting. And come to think of it, the coyotes always seem to howl this time of year, so maybe that isn't anomylous either. Also, our "unseasonably warm" temperature has broken. All very comforting.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Thanks. That is comforting. - Todd  21:18:39 - 6/19/2006  (38543)  (1)
        ● Not so comforting. (NT) - Cathryn  21:59:24 - 6/19/2006  (38545)  (0)