No Confessions Here
Posted by Petra on May 28, 2006 at 07:24:49:

Mr. Williams,

Let me direct. I have known Lowell Whiteside for 8 plus years now and I've had more than adequate time to see how FFA theory works and what to look for after a 7.0 earthquake occurs around the world. I'm an excellent observationalist and that that's why I see things like Mogi Donuts that others don't or notice other seismicity patterns which precede certain earthquakes. You haven't been here but a short time and somehow I'm not sure how this has occurred, but you have formed opinions about things to which you are not aware.

I gave John an answer, and it was for him to ponder, rather than you. I don't think talking about me when I have given him an answer is necessarily your place to occupy or comment upon. It if were an open discussion, perhaps, but not in this particular case.

So let me put it to you this way and then perhaps you'll come to some kind of an understanding that if someone wants something more, they may not always ask at a beneificial time for me. I simply pointed out that there is an obvious error in the methodology to determine the value of FFA Theory. Mementarily I have these things on my schedule:

1. Finish and publish my book by May 31st.
2. Write an abstract for Ridge 2000, over due now.
3. Prepare my home for a guest next week and I must return to work on Thursday. Go to work on Thursday and learn to adjust to my new hours and my health concerns while there.
4. Work on ear tone work whenever possible.
5. Attend the USGS Open House next Saturday with my house guest.
6. Start and complete 30 hours of CE training asap as late is not acceptible.
7. Get well. I'm only two weeks away from having major surgery and I do need to take care of me, which probably should have been listed in a much higher order than the end.

As FFA's have been tossed around here for a few years, a month more or so to get to it really isn't a big deal. So those who preformed the research can stick with what they have or at some later date, amend it to a form that is much more correct.

And in the midst of these carryings on over here I just spent the last two hours reading every data site in the State of CA because I'm expecting a large earthquake and I need to rule in or out what I might anticipate for an epicenter. I know you don't formally predict earthquakes, but when one does, then there is real work to do and I've done some of it.


I have a set list of priorities currently and deadlines on two of them. Therefore any further time, if I have any has to be devoted to my own research endeavors and not explaining another persons theory. FFA theory is clearly defined and to such an extent that is is quite obvious to me that the recent work was not done correctly. As to how it might be accomplished, I'm not sure; but as I have again put in a 21 hour day, I don't think this is a good time to look for creative solutions.

Follow Ups:
     ● to be direct - John Vidale  08:15:23 - 5/28/2006  (37524)  (1)
        ● Re: to be direct, appropriately so. - Petra  11:39:32 - 5/28/2006  (37529)  (1)
           ● this is as simple as science gets - John Vidale  12:21:40 - 5/28/2006  (37530)  (0)