Re: Off T Q for Vidale (Just A Note)
Posted by Petra on May 23, 2006 at 00:12:14:

Hi Glen,

Your mind must be running on parallel tracks to mine today. I wanted to give Mark Legg, Jose Borrero and Costas Synolakis credit for the inspiration for my book earthquake scenario at Catalina Island, but there are so many publications carrying one part of the work to the next I wasn't sure what I should list, so I asked Mark to give me a helping hand. I think after the original paper two more projects were developed and so that created more paper and it got kind of murky after that.

There's a story behind why papers are noted the way they are now, but I'll leave it John to tell you about that.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Off T Q for Vidale (Just A Note) - Glen  00:21:29 - 5/24/2006  (37257)  (1)
        ● Re: Baja - Petra  00:26:08 - 5/24/2006  (37258)  (1)
           ● Re: Baja - Petra  12:26:59 - 5/24/2006  (37279)  (1)
              ● Wait a minute... - Glen  13:48:04 - 5/24/2006  (37292)  (1)
                 ● Re: Wait a minute... - Petra  14:36:10 - 5/24/2006  (37310)  (1)
                    ● Understood - Glen  14:47:57 - 5/24/2006  (37313)  (0)
     ● Re: Off T Q for Vidale (Just A Note) - Glen  01:17:12 - 5/23/2006  (37200)  (0)