Re: Sensitives Article
Posted by Russell on April 15, 2006 at 16:56:07:

Im still confused. Only this time about how -yet again - posing a question about a claim equates to my being closed minded.

Actually Cal, what you can send me are thousands of reports of animals behaving strangely followed by another event that the observer of the behavior decided was the event foretold by what they observed. Do you have 20 years of stories about how animals behaved oddly and everybody went home to bed?

I'm sure lots of animals behave oddly before an earthquake. I'm also sure that lots of people in the middle ages got better after they were bled. It wasn't until someone began to analyze ALL of the data that the practice was determined to be of no life saving value.

This idea is a supposition that is not supported by all the data necessary to determine a factual reality. Im not saying it CAN'T be so, Im just saying you haven't gathered enough data to know if it IS so.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Sensitives Article - Cal  20:10:01 - 4/15/2006  (36358)  (1)
        ● Re: Sensitives Article - Russell  21:52:08 - 4/15/2006  (36360)  (2)
           ● Russell, I'd like to pursue that - Roger Hunter  22:38:47 - 4/15/2006  (36369)  (0)
           ● Re: Sensitives Article - Russell   22:32:01 - 4/15/2006  (36367)  (0)