Finding The Fault - Last Night's TV Program
Posted by Petra on September 11, 2005 at 08:07:48:

Hi All,

Some of us in the Bay Area were treated to yet another one of Brian Hackney's (KPIX - Channel 5) geo field trips. This half hour show followed the trace of the 1906 earthquake event and gave everyone a view of what sits on top of the ground that split for hundreds of miles north and south of the epicenter.

Since the original special two years ago, they dug a trench in Marin County to determine how many large earthquakes had occurred and they determined there were 8 I believe with some occurring every 125 years to 300 year recurrences. But as they said, "earthquake faults don't know recurrence schedules." And throughout they made it abundantly clear that a 7.0 earthquake can occur in the Bay Area at any time.

This was a rather action packed 30 minute show with some earthquake preparedness spots included during the commercial breaks. Reminders to fasten cabinet doors, bolt tall furniture to the walls and strapping water heaters were included.

One particularly poignant moment occurred when a woman living upon the sandy hillside in Daly City asked Dr. Tim Hall how much time they had. He told her she was living in a slide area and that her house was the last one of a whole street of houses which are now gone. She said her husband told her they had a fantastic view. Dr. Hall said, "you may have a closer view yet." No matter what he said she seemed unable to process the fact that she lived in a very dangerous place.

Near the end of the show they referenced the handbook which I previously posted above and said it would be in The San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday, September 18th.

Don and I had the impression this show was supposed to be aired as part of the Centennial Alliance's efforts and got released early. Of course nothing pleases us more than to see earthquake preparedness brought to the masses in any form of media it can arrive.

Last week I refreshed my earthqauake water supply and this week I made a special trip to Wal Mart to stock up on medicines to go into the kit including a huge box of multi-sized bandaids, pain relievers, Tylenol PM for when you can't sleep because the boat is rocking too much and popcorn for the ultimate camping experience. I hope others are getting creative in this scanvenger hunt for the best of the best of earthquake supply kits.

Next week I'll check out Sonoma Outfitters. They corner the market on packaged dry foods.


Follow Ups:
     ● Tylenol PMs - Todd  10:03:23 - 9/11/2005  (28168)  (1)
        ● Re: Tylenol PMs ---> - Petra  12:16:52 - 9/11/2005  (28171)  (0)