Scientific results vs lines of code |
EQF Your list is devoid of scientific results, particularly any new results in the view of the American scientific community. However, I wouldn't complain, except that you have the misunderstanding that you are "decades ahead" ahead of a community you're not even contributing to, and you repeatedly and offensively claim the scientific community could have saved tens of thousands of lives that it has not. Sounds like earthquake prediction is a fun hobby for you. My work is more along the lines of traditional, incremental research. Papers, talks at meetings, discussions with others (scientists, press, people on boards, administrators). I'm working on fault zone structure, the physics of earthquakes, details of the inner core, aftershock sequences, and details of the core-mantle boundary. I've taken on some service chores as well, running our local institute for a few years (100+ people), being in charge of the seismology section of AGU for a couple of years (1000+ people), running numerous workshops and meetings. You could easily find all this out yourself if you even had a working knowledge of research and Google rather than say I only complain. John Follow Ups: ● Re: Scientific results vs lines of code - EQF 07:46:44 - 7/14/2004 (21934) (0) |