Posted by EQF on July 14, 2004 at 07:46:44:
You are missing the point in my opinion. I don’t have any problems with the regular work that you do. And I also don’t comment on it. What I am objecting to is the fact that when you post a note in response to one of mine you are commenting on my work. And if you are going to do that then you should at least try to understand it which I believe you don’t. I do feel that the type of work that I am doing is in fact a quarter of a century more advanced than similar types of work being done elsewhere. And I especially cannot understand why geophysicists cannot grasp the importance of the discoveries I have made regarding earthquake triggering effects. After all, that should be their area of expertise. This is not an attempt on my part to gain recognition and glory. I am only interested in saving lives. And if you or someone else were to suddenly develop a forecasting method which could enable us to save a substantial percentage of the lives which earthquakes are claiming every year I would probably move on to some other project in an instant. But, that doesn’t look like it is going to happen any time soon.