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Re: Cathryn - You're On |
I'd say about 78-80% of the time. I realize that's unusually high. Stanford has a "secret" division that studies the paranormal. I'll say no more. Yes, I am. I have mental records. I have no need to write things down. Ah, then. Can you identify all four aces in a pack of card randomly laid face down? Can you make a picture fall off a wall by sheer concentration and nothing more? Do you know when your children are in imminent danger, even from afar? Or just in a bad way? Same with other relatives. Do you know in advance exactly who is going to win the next presidential election regardless of polls? Have YOU ever gotten off a plane that later crashed? Can you accomplish remote viewing? Can you write a novel, knowing it will make a fine debut here, but be a best-seller in France, even before the foreign rights have been sold? Can you warn your friends of impending danger, such as earthquakes and thunderstorms? Do you see auras around people, and see it's significance in both Eastern and Western theology? Can you diagnose hidden medical problems in complete strangers just by looking at them? Do you know when people close to you or not are going to die a natural death? Do you know the nature of this death? Do you sometimes dream future reality? Have you seen your own death? Do you KNOW what happens after death, and therefore have no fear of it, and sometimes anticipate it, sad that it is not your time? Can you sense when a perfect stranger, normal on the outside, is malevolent? Do you not mess around with psychokenesis because it freaks out all the people around you? Have you ever met a stranger and know his/her entire life, boring as it sometimes is? Can you hear the dog of your childhood now calling you (now as an adult) from the SPCA? Can you imagine this dog (different) from the one of your youth, and be dead-on correct, and know it? Have you heard a child calling you from oversees, gone to get her,and realize she is daughter of your soul? Have you done this three times without incident? Have you read the Gnostic Bible and realize the Dead Sea Scrolls, now entombed in the Vatican, hold answers to the mystery of life that controvert Catholocism, not to mention much of Western theology? Have you read Erich Neumann's "The History of Consciousness?" Have you read Julian Jaynes's "The History of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind," and managed not to become a Freudian (God Forbid.)? Have you read all of Freud, and all of Jung, preferring Jung, especially his exegisis on synchronicity? Have you understood it's incontrovertical logic? Can you explain it to your friends? Have you ever looked into the night sky, and realized there can be no single creator, for who creater Her? Is there a creator at all, or does the universe, in all its Hubble glories (and more) simply exist? Furthermore, does it exist because sentient beings, here and elsewhere will it to be? Have you read all of Shakespeare, and realized why he could not have been William Shakespeare (nor Fry--he had enough to write and his work is not nearly up to par with W.S.)? Now I've veered off the path, no pun intended. Have you known, instinctively, since childhood, that proof of this would be discovered in your lifetime? How many of you can sense earthquakes? How many of you have intuited from childhood that tornados (You say tornado, I say tornado), are not just water running down a drain but water coming back up the drain and either spilling into other swirling water or, in the end, evaporating in the humid atmosphere of a bathroom or a summer eve? That particular tornado theory is just now being bandied about. Do you understand not just that war is futile, but that all war is futile, and why? I could go on and on, but will spare the scientists (both geological and spiritual) among you. But I will only say that all the above can and has been scientifically proven, but witheld from the public for reasons that are obvious. Please don't ask me how I know. My hands are tied. Cathryn
Follow Ups: ● Re: Cathryn - You're On - Roger Hunter 08:32:48 - 4/12/2004 (21469) (2) ● Re: Cathryn - You're On and I'm Pissed - Cathryn 18:49:49 - 4/12/2004 (21482) (2) ● Re: Cathryn - You're On and I'm Pissed - Roger Hunter 08:30:35 - 4/13/2004 (21498) (0) ● Re: Cathryn - You're On and I'm Pissed - Roger Hunter 07:33:45 - 4/13/2004 (21495) (1) ● Re: ENOUGH - Canie 08:37:57 - 4/13/2004 (21499) (1) ● Re: ENOUGH - Roger Hunter 12:43:03 - 4/13/2004 (21502) (0) ● PS: My degree was in Psychology - Roger Hunter 08:39:16 - 4/12/2004 (21471) (1) ● Re: PS: My degree was in Psychology - Cathryn 18:56:20 - 4/12/2004 (21483) (1) ● Re: PS: My degree was in Psychology - Roger Hunter 07:27:50 - 4/13/2004 (21494) (0) |
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