Re: Likelihood of earthquake
Posted by Bob Shannon on January 05, 2000 at 18:28:00:

Well.....Nice to see old faces Alan; not in years but in computer space..... I am trying to *re*-learn some of my old practice....Hoping that you noticed the past 2 MTJ 'hits'.
The MTJ as I have said in the past, is a very special place for me. It has symbolic meaning as well as family and past ties....and it is where all of this prediction business started......yet I live so far away from it not---I believe in the ethos of the land...the feeling of dirt in the hand sort of thing....the feeling of the eyes first gaze.....not very scientific----maybe more romanic....but still works...sometimes....

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Likelihood of earthquake - Pat In Petaluma  22:51:47 - 1/5/2000  (2081)  (0)