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Hydroplate Theory : EQ mysteries/Plate Tectonic Failure to Explain |
Hi All: After that bow shot below, I thought I'd start serving some Kentucky Fried "Plate Tectonics"....(from the link below). A Few of the Mysteries (which Plate Tectonics falls short in explaining): Earthquakes. A major, but perhaps elusive, goal of earthquake research is to predict earthquakes. Normally, the best way to predict something is to understand how it works. However, earthquakes are not understood. Consequently, much effort is spent trying to learn what precedes an earthquake. Three apparent precursors are an abrupt change in the water depth in wells, swelling of the ground, and sudden irregularity in local geyser eruptions.4 The plate tectonic theory claims earthquakes occur when plates rub against each other, temporarily lock, and then periodically jerk loose. If so, why are some powerful earthquakes far from plate boundaries?5 Why do earthquakes occur when water is forced into the ground after large water reservoirs are built and filled?6 Shallow earthquakes sometimes displace the ground horizontally along a fault, as occurred along the San Andreas Fault during the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Western California slid northward relative to the rest of North America. Because the San Andreas Fault has several prominent bends, this movement could not have been going on for millions of years, as proponents of plate tectonics claim. Just as two interlocking pieces of a jigsaw puzzle cannot slip very far relative to each other, neither can both sides of a curved fault. Furthermore, if movement has occurred along the San Andreas Fault for millions of years, adjacent rock should be hot due to frictional heating. This heat has not been found by drilling into the fault.7 Evidently, movement has not occurred for that length of time and/or the walls of the fault were lubricated. Deep earthquakes occur at depths of 250–400 miles where pressures are so great that cracks should not be able to open. Also, the temperatures should be so uniformly high that rock should not break, but deform plastically (like deforming clay). So any concentrated stress that might cause an earthquake should deform the rock, slowly and quietly, thereby removing that stress. How then do deep earthquakes occur? See the main link: Then go to left panel of links and search through: Follow Ups: ● Re: Hydroplate Theory : EQ mysteries/Plate Tectonic Failure to Explain - Don in Hollister 13:24:06 - 1/21/2003 (17829) (1) ● Re: Hydroplate Theory : EQ mysteries/Plate Tectonic Failure to Explain - 2cents 21:09:54 - 1/21/2003 (17838) (0) |
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