First hit on Don's Advisory Md 2.1 near Livermore CA
Posted by Lowell on April 21, 2002 at 14:35:47:

The first of Don's epicenters in his Advisory hit this afternoon. It is a little smaller
Than expected, but otherwise exact in location and within the time window expected.

NCSN is identifying the following earthquake this afternoon:

O: 21APR2002 20:50:11 37.2N 121.6W MD=2.1 N of Morgan Hill, CA

Don had forecast:

F: 23APR2002 +/-2 day 37.2N 121.6W ML2.3-3.3 Livermore, CA (35 km radius)

For the full advisory see the link below or

Northern California earthquakes listed at:

One down about a dozen to go.

Follow Ups:
     ● May not be over yet - Lowell  22:18:41 - 4/21/2002  (15151)  (0)
     ● Re: First hit on Don's Advisory Md 2.1 near Livermore CA - Todd  16:55:52 - 4/21/2002  (15120)  (3)
        ● Re: First hit on Don's Advisory Md 2.1 near Livermore CA - Lowell  17:59:00 - 4/21/2002  (15127)  (0)
        ● Re: First hit on Don's Advisory Md 2.1 near Livermore CA - Mary C.  17:36:33 - 4/21/2002  (15126)  (0)
        ● Re: First hit on Don's Advisory Md 2.1 near Livermore CA - Don in Hollister  17:08:36 - 4/21/2002  (15125)  (0)
     ● Re: Go, Don Go! - Petra Challus  16:31:43 - 4/21/2002  (15117)  (1)
        ● Wow. That IS close! (NT) - Cathryn  20:33:18 - 4/21/2002  (15144)  (0)