Don's Huron/Coalinga forecasts and the Ml 2.0 today at Avenal |
Don's Huron, CA forecast and today's event. On Feb. 28, Don in Hollister forecast an event of Ml 2-3 in the Huron, CA area from 4 - 8 March, 2002. This afternoon such an event occurred, slightly later than expected. NCSN listed the following event tonight: O: 09MAR2002 17:34:06 36.1N 120.2W ML=2.0 NW of Avenal, CA Don's Forecast had been: F: 06MAR2002 +/- 2days 36.1N 120.1W 2.0-3.2 Huron, CA (within 35 km) While a few hours out of the expected window, the event occurred within 10 km of the expected epicenter I should also note that Don provided a complete listing for this area earlier today to this board including 35.9 -120.4 3 10 2002 2.0-3.0 - about 1Km east of Parkfield See: This event does fall within the 35 km range, magnitude window and time window. Another fully successful forecast, Don. http://www.earthwaves.org/wwwboard/messages/13354.html Huron, California Earthquake Forecast Magnitude: 2.0-3.2Ml Hi All. I'm back on dry land for now. Looking for a 2.0 to 3.2 quake at 36.1N/120.1W. This is about 15Km south of Huron, California. Should occur on 03/06/2002. The window opens on 03/04/2002 and will close on 03/08/2002. The radius for this will be 35Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town
Follow Ups: ● Re: Don's Huron/Coalinga forecasts and the Ml 2.0 today at Avenal - Petra Challus 20:09:40 - 3/9/2002 (13541) (1) ● Re: Don's Huron/Coalinga forecasts and the Ml 2.0 today at Avenal - Michael McNeil 03:52:59 - 3/10/2002 (13547) (2) ● Re: Don's Huron/Coalinga forecasts and the Ml 2.0 today at Avenal - Don in Hollister 10:22:01 - 3/10/2002 (13556) (0) ● Re: Don's Huron/Coalinga forecasts and the Ml 2.0 today at Avenal - Lowell 04:07:35 - 3/10/2002 (13552) (0) |