So That Is Who Jack Coles Is....
Posted by Todd on February 10, 2002 at 16:32:10:

I just read his warning letter. I remember his prediction of 9/11/91 very well. The San Francisco Media went out on a limb to give this guy all kinds of attention. He scared the crap out of the entire bay area. I was very nervous myself, I had never seen the media give such a prediction such validity. Looking back, I think everyone in the Bay Area was still jumpy 2 years after Loma Prieta. What I do recall clearly was he had two predictions that day. Either a 7+ on the Hayward fault of a 6+ on the Calaveras.

As well know, none of these events happened. I never remembered the name of the guy who predicted it, and as usual, the media failed follow up on what happened, IE why did his prediction fail! I always remembered that day, I remember it because schools were evacuated and several offices and commercial areas shut down by 1 (his supposed time for the quake (s). )

So I started reading the posts and he brings up 9/11/91 and I thought, by god, you were the one responsible for that! He makes several excuses for why 9/11/91 never happened. On a positive note, every time a prediction like this is made, the event NEVER happens. So it is like we are cursing ourselves into seismic quiet.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: So That Is Who Jack Coles Is.... - Roger Hunter  17:03:11 - 2/10/2002  (12954)  (0)
     ● Re: So That Is Who Jack Coles Is.... - Canie  16:52:06 - 2/10/2002  (12953)  (1)
        ● Re: So That Is Who Jack Coles Is.... - Petra Challus  18:26:23 - 2/10/2002  (12955)  (1)
           ● Re: So That Is Who Jack Coles Is.... - Canie  18:56:27 - 2/10/2002  (12956)  (1)
              ● Re: So That Is Who Jack Coles Is.... -  15:40:36 - 2/11/2002  (12959)  (1)
                 ● Re: So That Is Who Jack Coles Is.... - Canie  20:56:20 - 2/11/2002  (12970)  (0)