PREDICTION - Northwest Territories, Canada Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on January 08, 2002 at 12:25:09:

Magnitude: 5.0-6.0Md
From: 01/11/2002UTC - To: 01/15/2002UTC
Location: Northwest Territories, Canada
Lat: 63.9N - Long: 130.0W - Range: 65Km

Hi All. Cathryn and Petra seem to be in sync with one another.

In as much that the direction for Petra’s ear tones has already been established where as we haven’t been able to establish a direction for Cathryn that may be about to change.

The first ear tone is Petra’s the second one is Cathryn’s. Petra had hers on 01/04/2002 and Cathryn’s was on 01/05/2002. This means the source of the ear tones is very close to 63.3N/131.3W, or 2752Km (1720 miles) north of Petra’s. This is about 240Km NE of Whitehorse, British Columbia. My data shows a quake for 63.9N/130.0W, which is about 360Km NE of Whitehorse and in the Northwest Territories, Canada.

I had a left ear tone, moderate in volume. It lasted 30 seconds full and constant and then began to trail off and ended at 43 seconds.

1/5/02 8:43 am dep, dark and ugly woke me up 44 seconds, last 4 trailing off very loud
deep tone facing nw (lying in bed)

There is another unknown with Cathryn’s ear tone. We don’t know how much of the tone she slept through.

Cathryn also lives 167.3Km SW of Petra. Using the formula Petra and I use this means Cathryn’s ear tone should have been 4 seconds longer instead of 1 second. Of course Cathryn’s ear tone could also be a location unknown to me at this time. One correct one doesn’t mean that we know the direction for which ear. We have to have many correct observations to establish a direction for her, but this is a start towards doing that.

Anyway were looking for a 5.0 to 6.0 quake at 63.9N/130.0W. This is in the Northwest Territories, Canada. It should occur on 01/13/2002. The window opens on 01/11/2002 and will close on 01/15/2002. The radius on this is 65Km.

There are a couple of other locations in Alaska that the data show’s for an earthquake, but in as much as the above ear tones come very close to fitting the data I have, or it could be the other way around that I decided to use this one.

Now all that is left to do is to sit back, put my feet up and wait to see what happens. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Northwest Territories, Canada Earthquake Forecast -  19:25:24 - 1/8/2002  (12501)  (1)
        ● Re: Rock & Roll In The Northwest Territories - Petra Challus  21:13:22 - 1/8/2002  (12504)  (1)
           ● TNXS Petra! NT -  05:14:55 - 1/9/2002  (12506)  (0)