Re: Don's Masterton prediction hit
Posted by Lowell on November 24, 2001 at 20:03:18:

Grade Inflation, Don. Seems to me it was a pretty good forecast given all the
activity centered around your predicted epicenter at that time and given it was your
first attempt for that area of New Zealand.
You can go for months without a felt earthquake in the Wellington/Masterton area, so to have
two in your forecast period and one a bit later, is not bad. But, if you would like, I
can be much harder in handing out the grades - remember I went to school
before the days of grade inflation too - I do know how to give and get C's, D's and F's

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Don's Masterton prediction hit - Don in Hollister  22:16:52 - 11/24/2001  (11245)  (1)
        ● Re: Don's Masterton prediction hit - Lowell  23:05:09 - 11/24/2001  (11246)  (0)