PREDICTION - La Serena, Chile Earthquake Forecast |
Magnitude: 3.4-4.9Md Looking for a 3.4 to 4.9Md quake at 29.9S/72.0W. This is about 60Km west of La Serena, Chile. It should occur on 11/17/2001. The window opens on 11/15/2001 and will close on 11/19/2001. The radius on this is 65Km. If there is a moderate to strong geomagnetic storm on or about 11/13/2001 a quake could occur at 37.7S/73/0W on 11/15/2001. This is about 60Km ESE of Los Alamos, Chile. The magnitude should be 3.4 to 4.9Md. On the remote chance that the most recent geomagnetic storm has had an affect on this area the window opens on 11/13/2001 and will close on 11/17/2001. The radius is 65Km. Take Care…still in deep water Don Follow Ups: ● The Area is Active - Lowell 11:11:13 - 11/10/2001 (10813) (0) ● Re: La Serena, Chile Earthquake Forecast - Lowell 11:39:52 - 11/9/2001 (10804) (1) ● Re: La Serena, Chile Earthquake Forecast - Don In Hollister 14:27:50 - 11/9/2001 (10807) (0) |